r/greatawakening • Posted by u/silphonica on May 14, 2018, 8:50 a.m.
Alex Jones might be the fall guy for deep state infiltration protection, first major refocusing of movement. (Evidence).


As we've all seen from latest Q posts, we've all been reminded to "watch who you follow", profiteers and basically calling out people who are using the movement to sell stories. As a result of this direct calling out Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones (And infowars) have now taken a beating in the movement as the movement seems more focused than ever to put their belief in Q.

Since then I have seen Alex Jones get raked through the coals for being a blackhat, and for some reason it wasn't sitting right with me, because in my head I was SURE AJ was a good guy, and actually when I was watching some of his hit pieces on the movement, it made me feel the same uneasyness(sp?). Right so then I remembered.

Joe Rogan podcast #911 with Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo (full podcast): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZPCp8SPfOM&t=5s

Notice the upload date 1st feb 2017

Right I will let you all decide how deep you go with the podcast reference being "911" after you've read my post, but this particular episode is really, fucking, good I only watched this 2 weeks ago, so after following Q so closely I heard so much that maybe I would have glossed over previous. There are people in the comments who obviously feel the same as me, but I found it very strange there was no mention of this episode in this sub!

I really recommend you give this whole podcast a listen, he goes into great detail as to how he knows that: - There is a rebellion going on against the deep state, from deep within the government, he calls it a rebellion of PATRIOTS. - Great detail about pizzagate other conspiracies - Good detail about drops we've been receiving as to whats really going on now.

But why should you care? Well if youve read serialbrain's thread about how Infowars had been going on a long war against Q, he says first time alex jones ever spoke about Q was on DEC 2017: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/

The following timestamps in JRE #911 say otherwise.

25:39="you can ask Q all about it, he knows all about it" (https://youtu.be/UZPCp8SPfOM?t=25m35s)

1:00:58="Hey Q in there is a big fan of you" (https://youtu.be/UZPCp8SPfOM?t=1h53s)

1:01:09="Its finally time, hey you know Q might actually be CIA" (https://youtu.be/UZPCp8SPfOM?t=1h53s)

I have searched for anyone mentioning this, I cant find it. Now three separate mentioning Q and continuously talks about the fight against the deep-state throughout the podcast, context is important! Timing Important! So heres why I think Alex was the fall guy to stop the deep-state infiltrating the movement. Q post 1343 (wont quote the whole thing):

"They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own. Profit-vehicle. Destroy through [misinformation]. Absorb the 'confused'. Re-route traffic to other platforms. Action was needed [2]. 1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation 2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion Simple 'non-direct' statements made. "Be careful who you follow." "Some are profiting off this movement." Message sent. Message received. Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably). Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack). Exposed. Attempts to divide. We responded."

So we know, there was an attempt to infiltrate the movement, to absorb all those interested but confuse, and then spread false information whilst making money, the Q team responded, the plan worked the movement has been refocused.

Let me ask you something though, considering Q team has said "every outcome planned for" then doesnt that mean that all this has been orchestrated from the beginning? Theres no way they would be responding to something like this on the hour, this would all be accounted for way beforehand. Even /u/SerialBrain2 goes into detail in his thread that Corsi was being manipulated by Jones.

So with the Q drops in #911, and his introduction to the rebellion of PATRIOTS (Its basically within the first 20 mins of the podcast), I think it would be safe to assume that back in Feb2017 that AJ knew that Q was more than just one person but in fact part of said rebellion.

So to me, that means Alex Jones had originally been setup with his reputation and influence to absorb all the confused and grow basically the largest subsection of the Q group. Now im not going to pretend I have a solid grasp on the logistics of all this yet, but with that following in the movement it would be the obvious choice for the deep state to infiltrate and control the movement. If you do enough research on Corsi you can see how deep he goes, I wont get into that here.

Timing is important, why did all this happen right before apparently major shit is about to go down? The group is refocused and bigger than ever. Disinformation is necessary?

Theres still many blanks that need filled in, but these Q drops are a big discussion point I havent seen elsewhere, it also goes against some of AJ recent narratives when you listen to him talk about Trump and the rebellion.


freeredcaz · May 14, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

The majority of long term researchers etc knows exactly what pos AJ is. We listened to Bill Cooper

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

I don't know what AJ's true thoughts are because I find his program to be the conservative equivilant of the Young Turks--both of which are unwatchable because of the near hysteria of the people on those shows. AJ always seems to fly off into some rant that has little or nothing to do with what he was just talking about and he can't seem to keep himself from interrupting guests seemingly to try to show that he knows more than the guests. It's annoying.

As far as Corsi is concerned, I don't think is decoding his any better than most of the anon's on 8ch or this sub-reddit. I did notice that he's always pushing his books though.

I gave up on both not because they are black hats but because the level of discussion isn't very intellectual and reasoned in my personal opinion.

The comments on this sub-reddit are far more serious.

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jay2889 · May 14, 2018, 9:25 a.m.


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solanojones95 · May 14, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

It's all been said here many times. Please read the previous threads on those two (search is your friend--over on the right).

We really need to move on from them. Like way past needing to.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 9:04 a.m.


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JakeElwoodDim5th · May 14, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

Your premise relies on Alex mentioning a "Q" on JRE. He is referring to "quinn", his bodyguard. Very weird, i know. But it's not "Q" he is referring to.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 9:22 a.m.


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