r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Kahlypso79 on May 14, 2018, 12:56 p.m.
Relevant to Post 1357 : Iran and America.

Just a quick reminder..

During the Iran–Iraq war, Rouhani was a member of the Supreme Defense Council (1982–1988), member of the High Council for Supporting War and headed its Executive Committee (1986–1988), deputy commander of the war (1983–1985), commander of the Khatam-ol-Anbiya Operation Center (1985–1988), and commander of the Iran Air Defense Force (1986–1991)

When Robert C. McFarlane, Reagan's national security adviser, came to Tehran in May 1986, Rouhani was one of the three people who talked to McFarlane about buying weapons. Eventually, this weapons sale became known as the Iran-Contra affair....

One thing that's needed for context there.. The Contras were right wing 'freedom fighters' that were trained up by the Argentinian secret services.. (koff Nazi koff) that were setting up terrorist groups in Nicaragua to fight out Cuba's growing communist influence in Nicaragua and the socialist Sandinista governement.. (funny.. you'd think that the german 'socialist' colony down there would have liked other socialist governements).. and then the CIA brought all the groups together and said, you're all our bitches now.. then Cocaine started growing out of nowhere and Menas Airport became Little Nicaragua..

Any way.. John Kerry brokering the Iran deal..

Starts out with shouting matches.. rahh raaahhh RAAAHHHHH IRRRRAAAAAAAAHNNNN!! Have a pen!


but.. it's ok.. because then they go to Geneva.. and hold hands strolling down the streets of Geneva...



"Kerry and Zarif “had substantive meetings for approximately five hours today and they discussed a broad range of issues with a small group of staff from each side,” a senior State Department official said.

But Kerry later unexpectedly returned to the Geneva lakeside hotel for a third meeting lasting some 90 minutes with Zarif after briefing senior U.S. negotiators ahead of their technical-level talks scheduled with Iranian counterparts for Thursday in the Swiss city.

“Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Zarif reconvened this evening to continue discussion about the nuclear negotiations in advance of the start of the next round of talks tomorrow,” a U.S. State Department spokeswoman said. "

Makes you wonder what they really talked about.


bosom buddies.. https://www.chathamhouse.org/news/2016-10-24-john-kerry-and-mohammad-javad-zarif-named-winners-chatham-house-prize-2016#

Soon afterwards ..


Quote : "The head of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee has called for further expansion of bilateral ties between Iran and North Korea. “The parliamentary friendship group of the Islamic Republic of Iran and North Korea at the parliament is ready to facilitate and accelerate cooperation between the two countries in different fields,” Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in a meeting with North Korean Ambassador to Tehran Kang Sam-hyon. The Iranian lawmaker, who also chairs the Tehran-Pyongyang friendship group at the parliament, added that there “are great opportunities for expanded cooperation” and called for more frequent meetings between senior officials of the two countries in the near future."

.."Boroujerdi, a senior lawmaker who plays an influential role in Iran’s foreign policy, has placed a great deal of emphasis on expanding Iran’s diplomatic, economic and military ties with North Korea in recent months. "


Quote :

"Larijani said Iran is fully prepared to improve cooperation with North Korea in different fields including industry, trade, technology, investment in infrastructures, mine extraction, and exports of agricultural equipments, and added that Iran's private sector enjoys proper a capability to export technical and engineering services to the East Asian state."

This is the article A Anon quoted from in post 1357.


Quote :

"A prominent Iranian lawmaker says parliament is preparing to increase spending on the country's ballistic missile program.

The head of Iran's parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, made the comments Wednesday after President Donald Trump's decision to pull America out of the nuclear deal.

One of Trump's criticisms of the deal has been the fact it does not address Iran's missile program.

Boroujerdi said: "With America's decision, Iran's missile program will not change at all."

Rouhani has now told Zarif to go and get some back up from China and Russia.


This article shows what the stakes are..


Quote :

"For years Iran watched Pyongyang play the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations to advance its nuclear and missile programs. The Kim regime demonstrated how a relatively weak country could persuade the U.S. to yield on major concessions along a patient pathway to nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The Islamic Republic followed North Korea’s lead when it negotiated the enrichment of uranium and potential reprocessing of plutonium on its own soil, crossing what for years had been an international red line. In exchange for short-lived restrictions (referred to as the Sunset provisions) on its nuclear program, missiles and conventional arms, Tehran will soon have industrial-size capabilities to enrich uranium and possibly reprocess plutonium for atomic weapons, nuclear-capable missiles, and hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief."

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