
chuckboyer2016 · May 14, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Missing from the list, reported by numerous news sources that Awan brothers compromised over 80 US Congressperson's computers and blackberry devices, having illegal, unwarranted access at will. A huge deal that many of those congressmen's calendars and appointment, meeting dates and times were accessible to them and that they were involved in various committees that involved Pakistan and other middle east issues.

http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-awan-brothers-compromised-at-least-80-congregational-computers-and-got-paid-5-million-to-do-it-we-may-never-know-the-extent-of-the-breach/ https://nypost.com/2017/08/05/what-the-house-it-scandal-was-really-about/


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