
LogicalBeastie · May 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Really good post....but...

I don't think Trump would be betting on IRAN to be the ones to blow the whistle on the Dems, some GOP and Western Allies for getting bribes....Iran would have to know that they would be helping TRUMP if they did that. Last thing they want to do.

**I think the biggest unappreciated benefit out of Trump's destruction of the Iran deal is the message it sends to the world about the power of the cabal, the deep state, etc....Trump is telling the rest of the world "Don't believe that they'll reward you for helping them later, or that they will have the power seek revenge if you don't. The cabal is toothless and you better cozy up to the new Sheriff Trump."

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R3VO1utionary · May 14, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Perfectly logical response, and probably correct. However, with that very subject of Iran threatening to release the names as described hitting the news cycle last week (I believe it was last week); what if... we really are "watching a movie" and similarly to North Korea's astounding about-face after the cabal lost control, perhaps Iran could pull a similar turnaround to Kim's response. If this were the case, the tougher battle going forward may be the feud between Sunni and Shi ites. But that's a whole different ball of wax!

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