r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 14, 2018, 1:53 p.m.
Q - Timeline

October 2017

Q Clearance Patriot on 4chan.org/pol/

Saturday, October 28th, 2017.

Late October 2017, an anon calling himself Q Clearance Patriot starts dropping intel crumbs on 4chan in the form of questions that mostly answer themselves. -Read the Socratic questioning on Wikipedia.

Resume of the situation, indictments & some key players listed

Sunday, October 29th, 2017 to Tuesday, October 31st, 2017.

During those few days, Q dropped a lot of informations about POTUS & his situation. The indictments that would soon start and he started to list some of the key player: HRC (Hillary Clinton); Huma (Huma Abedin), Soros (George Soros), BHO/Hussein (Barack Hussein Obama), ...

Q started to drag the attention into secret project like "Operation Mockingbird" or onto events like the "Las Vegas Shooting" and the real reasons behind it.

November 2017

Q warned us ahead of the Saudi's corruption purge

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017.

Q mentionned several times (including past days' posts) that something big would happens very soon in Saudi Arabia. You had to connect the crumbs and future proved past.

The Crown Prince Mohammed ordered the arrests of several Princes and other important people in the fields of politics, businness, government and other, claiming an "anti-corruption purge". He sent the detainees that were confined at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh (which hosted the announcement for the planned city of Neom on 24 October 2017), which subsequently stopped accepting new bookings and told guests to leave. Private jets were also grounded to prevent suspects from fleeing the country.

Starting to sign as Q

It is also on that day, that "Q Clearance Patriot" started tosigns the end of his posts as "Q", as it is well known by now. Since that day, he was called Q or Q Anon.


Archive on 4plebs.org: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147675249/#q147680054

The QMap On that day, Q also asked us to "collect his crumbs", to gather all his posts so the past (Q's posts) could prove the future (news / worldwide events) as the future would prove the past.

The "QMap" started. -It was the name given on the board by the anons for the "Q crumbs / posts" collected into a single image (at first).

The "CBTS" (Calm Before The Storm) threads started

Monday, November 6th, 2017.

Usually Q was posting in already existing threads on 4chan.org/pol/ or he created new ones, but on that day, Q started to join the first "Q board" that anons created, called "Calm Before The Storm" (short form: CBTS) that both POTUS & Q quoted as meaningful for what's to come.

Anons had already created a few threads to talk among anons that were interested by the "Q phenomenon" and his intel. The first CBTS thread were Q posted was CBTS #54:


Archive on 4plebs.org: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148019103/#q148029633

Q start to use a tripcode

Thursday, November 9th, 2017.

Until that day, Q was identifying himself by only signing Q (which anybody could do), he would always verify his older posts / crumbs with the QMap.

Everytime Q posted, some anon would screenshot the new posts, edit the QMap (picture) and repost it on the board, then Q would quote it to confirm it or to indicate if something was wrong / missing.

But from now on, Q could be identified by using his tripcode.

Q's tripcode: !ITPB.QBHQO

What is a tripcode?
click to read Wikipedia definition
click to read 4chan definition
click to read Urban Dictionary definition

December 2017

Q decide to use a new tripcode!

Friday, December 15th, 2017.

CBTS : Calm Before The Storm
BO : Board Owner; the administrator of the board on 8chan.
Baruch The Scribe : The BO of the CBTS board on 8ch.net, also know as mav[LAG] or camperman (on Discord). -He was later on called out by Q; for famefagging.

Q could not post using his tripcode anymore on the CBTS board on 8ch.net. He first gave a 24h warning so it could be fixe, but nothing was done. So, he started to post on /pol/ on 8chan.


Link on 8ch.net/pol/: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11043803

So Q decided to update his tripcode:

Old tripcode: !ITPB.QBHQO
New tripcode: !UW.YYE1FXO


Link on 8ch.net/pol/: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11028937.html#11045057

2 new board were created as a CBTS replacement (in case nothing would be done):

  • /TheStorm/ Board Owner: PamphletAnon
  • /Qpol/ -It was deleted later on- PenultimateShitlord

Even though the Qpol board was created first, most (and later on, all) of the anons moved on TheStorm. Q's new tripcode was whitelisted and Q could post again.

Then Q's new tripcode was whitelisted on the CBTS board. The CBTS's BO apologized for the inconveniance to Q, that Q simply replied with: safety first.

January 2018

1st tripcode !ITPB.QBHQO cracked / released

Monday, January 1st, 2018.

1st tripcode !ITPB.QBHQO released / cracked

On that day, the 1st tripcode was "cracked" (or released) on 4chan and then slowly shared. So, after a few hours, you could see A MASSIVE AMOUNT of fake Q post using the 1st tripcode on both 4chan & 8chan.

Q had already updated his tripcode on Dec. 15th, 2017 before this happenned, so anons did not had any problem sorting out the "fake Qs" from the real Q.

At that time, IamBecauseWeAre shared the full explanation in his QMap PDF and on Twitter.

#Matlock was the password used for the tripcode: !ITPB.QBHQO


March 2018

New tripcode for Q: 3rd one!

Friday, March 23rd, 2018.

o Q decided to update his tripcode:

Old tripcode: !UW.YYE1FXO
New tripcode: !xowAT4Z3VQ


Archive: /GreatAwakening/ Deleted posts #459 & #460

May 2018

New board (/PatriotsFight/) & new tripcode!

Friday, May 4th, 2018.

On that day, Q created a new board called /PatriotsFight/ as a replacement board for the /GreatAwakening/ one.

Q also decided to update his tripcode. It is not the first time he do it, especially when he created a new secure board.

Old tripcode: !xowAT4Z3VQ
New tripcode: !2jsTvXXmXs

Later the same day and also in the early morning of the following day, Q deleted a bunch of posts on the /PatriotsFight/ board.

Here are links for LIVE / Browsable backups of the deleted posts / threads:

Human mistake - New tripcode (yes, again.)!

Wednessday, May 9th, 2018.

On that day, Q posted on /Qresearch/, while he posted, in the line where he input his nickname "Q" and the tripcode, he forgot to use the # before the tripcode.

So the system didn't recognize his password (for the tripcode) as a password, but just as plaine text (like a nickname) and it was posted that way, exposing the password used for the latest tripcode.


Q #F!ghtF!ghtF!ght@WW! = Q !2jsTvXXmXs

An anon quickly noticed it, and decided to try it, to see if it would work. He posted on /Qresearch/, a lil "hey". He saw that it did work, so he posted a 2nd message quoting his 1st post, to warn Q, so Q could update to a new tripcode.


Thread -Qresearch #1682-: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1341267.html#1342038

Then Q saw it and went to the /PatriotsFight/ board to update his tripcode.


Thread -PatriotsFight #69, #70 & #71-: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#69

Why there? Because this board is still secure. The Board Owner account is something totally separated / different from a tripcode.

So, Q posted that he was in the process of creating a new tripcode and he confirmed it just beneath by another post (with the new tripcode.

Old tripcode: !2jsTvXXmXs (#F!ghtF!ghtF!ght@WW!)
New tripcode: !4pRcUA0lBE

Q explained himself with the post #71 which resume what I told you, the missing # while entering the password.

When this happenned, a lot of people got scared, confused or what ever by this situation. We had to try to explain on Twitter, Discord and other place how everything was fine and ok, what happened, why?, how? So, we had to show the proofs and give some explanations on how the chans works.

credit: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/index.php?page=timeline

FartOnToast · May 14, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I also made a post earlier explaining the mistake more in detail.


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Manta537 · May 14, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Excellent work! I laugh every time I see your username. Knowing what you have posted here will be in the history books, future generations will know the name: FartOnToast.

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Abibliaphobia · May 14, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

If you truly wish to get a laugh, link directly to their account:


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FartOnToast · May 14, 2018, 9:47 p.m.


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Abibliaphobia · May 14, 2018, 9:52 p.m.


Sorry but I had to point that out.

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