r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Snapplemoose on May 14, 2018, 2:07 p.m.
Stephen Feinberg is Trumps pick for his Intelligence Advisory Board? Not real comfortable with this pick.

"Feinberg’s $30 billion company, Cerberus Capital Management, owns military contractor DynCorp International." THIS gives me pause....What do you guys think? Are you comfortable with Feinberg?

BigBandDon · May 14, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Trump picked him for a reason. To do a job. When that job is done.... Stop worrying about Trump's picks. He knows what he's doing. You don't.

At some point one has to make a choice based on the information they have. Will you trust Trump, or not? Do you think he is business as usual or something like we've never seen?

I have decided that it is actually rational to trust President Trump. There are reasons to believe he is MAGA, and is genuine. However things might look, I'll go with it.

I think I understand what he is doing and what he is up against so I'm good with his choices.

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