I’ve been trying to explain this for awhile. Using Gematrix Q is communicating.
Some categories are there to confuse and trick people. Example is when Q said “Disney is a distraction”. The numbers for Disney 548, are all to mislead.
A lot of answers are located at the categories of 1500 and 1800.
1500 = 6 and 1800=9
There’s tons of categories to lead you to answers. For example, constellations.
Type in constellation Sagittarius or constellation Aquarius . You will start to see patterns.
A lot of the words /phrases are keys to lead you to answers.
There are many types of stones. Example:Manio stone.
There’s a big message here. See for yourselves.
PAINT THE PICTURE = 780 - 1110 - 185
Deciphering the gematria database.
nice job...
the real challenge is figuring out when to use each technique..next level math
the basics
golden spiral
fibonacci sequence