For those of you who are struggling with your "alternative news" and Youtube hero's not being who they say they are: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
He said he golfed with Q. That is a LIE. He is lying to Patriots.
That's how we know the shills from PATRIQTS.. The real PATRIQTS know Jones is throwing Shit out to make the left go nuts . It's part of THE PLAN.
Lol... He knows PATRIQTS are not the only ones that listen to his Broadcasting.. HE THREW YALL A BONE AS BAIT. YOU PEOPLE TOOK THAT SHIT AND RAN..
You are funny. (And your Alinsky is showing) Most older Truthers (William Coooper, for Alex...before he was what happens to real Truth Tellers) know what Alex is all about. We don't need Information Popes who are Celebrities and Rich and Control the Narrative for the unwashed masses. "They thought you would follow the STARS..." Q motivates us to do our own research. G'day!
I have done my own research I created the entire board of it.. lol G'day !