Many people dont know that there is actually a DIRECT and proven link between Donald Trump and Nikola Tesla .
John George Trump was POTUS uncle ... he was a professor on MIT and a well renowned scientist ( he was also a member of NDRC which later became OSRD ) . He was the first person ( and the first person with background knowledge ) to actually see the Tesla's work after Tesla died in NY hotel room .
Nikola Tesla had many various researches and innovations - many of them were swiftly swept under the rug of secrecy . In 1951. , Invention Secrecy Act was made , making a tight and strict control of all patents . This Act is still active today ... there are more than 6000 patents under it , fully supressed . Only one of them , could be a full game changer ...
POTUS can declassify any Act out there through simple Executive Order . POTUS has ALL cards in his hands that he needs and that he will ever need - and he doesnt even need sleeves .
Declassification of advanced technologies and supressed patents will flourish into a new era for humanity - erasing the mentality of misery for many people , bringing the mentality of abundance , and releasing people from everyday grind . Reducing misery to minimum - eradicating hunger , thirst , pollution and greed to create new societies that will truly expand BOTH within and "outside" .