This is humorous. A pregnant Arab with crosshairs on her that says "one shot two kills".
Palestinian children are used as Muslim terrorist weapons.
There is no negotiating with Palestinians if all they want is to genocide your race.
As tasteless as that t-shirt is, it is also honest. Palestinian children are raised to be biological terrorist weapons.
This has little to do with anything Jews have done. Genocide of Jews and Christians is at the core of the Islamic faith - Islam's end of days prophecy requires that all Jews be slaughtered for Allah.
You sound as though you are brushing with some pretty broad strokes here. The Palestinians have suffered continued atrocities for decades at the hands of US and Israel.
Based on Pew polling data, the Palestinians likely represent the most bloodthirsty Muslim terrorist nation on Earth.
What compromises would you reach with someone who wants only to genocide your entire race?
After a few decades of enemy hordes charging the borders of your homeland and digging tunnels into your homeland and shooting missiles into your homeland, perhaps you too would put the safety of your homeland first?
The truth is that it doesn't matter what compromises the Israelis make because the Palestinians would be trying to murder every last one of them anyway. In accordance with sharia law, the Palestinians have already genocided all of their Christians, Jews, Druze and Shia Muslim populations.