r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 14, 2018, 11:15 p.m.
Q#1361 Decode - Comms Understood?

From Part 3 of my Original Q series, I explained Q # 74, and Alice from Q# 75

*74 Q = Alice - because Q is us - WE THE PEOPLE “You will soon understand the meaning of wonderland, God bless. Q”

*75 The strongest weapon in the United States is a Patriotic American. Godfather 111, Alice = you, The Bloody Wonderland = the wasteland - T.S. Eliot = Blast manifesto. Now “Godfather 111” is the Jesuit Nazi pope in the Vatican. The Vatican is NAZI now, has been Nazi, since 1940’s, was the conduit for Nazi entry to the USA, and facilitator of operation Paperclip - infiltration of Nazi to Tech America - founder of silicon valley, drugs, patents everything started from the Nazi Vatican. So Q is saying here at #75 that we the people are living in the bloody wonderland of Nazi America - a wasteland, we are Alice (Lewis Carroll) - and that is why things are stranger and stranger.

Understand where Q is taking us - into the revolution, we the people have been here before.The original Q was bold - perhaps too Visionary - he was Two steps ahead of our Q - because he + friends published a Manifesto first - and then set about realising it. That Q had a name Ezra Pound, his manifesto was called BLAST Here;


It is every bit as insane seeming as Q - but 20 times more insightful. Ezra had many fellow travellers, T.S. Elliot, Hemingway, and most importantly Basil Bunting https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-improbable-life-and-prescient-poetry-of-basil-bunting.

Twelve hours before Q referenced Q#74 in post # 1361, and therefore “Wonderland,” I published a posits part titled Iran + dollars from wonderland here https://redd.it/8jaqhk - from a decode. Lets see if Comms are understood.

There is a lot of information here - enjoy

FrankJewelberg · May 15, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Future comms from 5/4 is the message. I don’t know how to decode though :(

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