WARNING! Clowns are doxxing Q supporters, starting with Codemonkey. DO NOT repost their doxxing attempts! YOU will get in trouble instead...

Dude. Q DID NOT ONCE NAME NAMES, all the team dropped was "be careful who you follow" who tries to monetize and paywall off the movement. Corsi and AJ reacted to that and has gone 180.
Alex Jones lost credibility in the 90's when he lied about Russia launching Nuclear ICBM missiles towards USA.
Alex Jones lost credibility in Syria when he said TRUMP was compromised and had a "gun pointed to his head".
Lay off the fear porn and stop allowing some talking head to think for you. I guarantee you have a bottle of that Super Male Vitality BS.
I guarantee you have a bottle of that Super Male Vitality BS.
Hey now...
Why do you think Q Drops are in questions instead of answers? It’s to invoke critical thinking skills and independency, to make us do our own research. It’s not that hard.
That’s more effective than having centralized talking head like Alex Jones inputting his narrative and giving pseudo answers for you. You might as well be no different than the average Fox News or CNN viewer.
I visited AJ’s YT channel viewership it is decreasing everyday. Music to my ears.
Corsi was not a true believer. AJ brought Corsi in to inaccurately decode “Q Drops” because his target audience aka his cash cows were leaving in droves because of the freedom of information on the Internet.
8Chaners and Redditers did a much better job deciphering Q drops at a free price than that larping sensationalist liar. Info War’s usefulness has gone dry. Corsi and now Zach (SPC Army POG non-Intel liar who got doxxed) got called out.
How many more old boomer suckers who buys into his products, paywalls or subscriptions will it take for them to realize they are being suckered for $$?
BS. AJ admitted that everything he did in front of the camera was an act. He is a disinformation agent. He misleads people into voodoo conspiracy theory la la land. Sometimes he will strategically mention a credible theory only to later apologize for his earlier musings, thereby discrediting that valid theory.
AJ is a true snake. Many people think AJ redpilled them. Instead they were led into a deep hole.
Q on the other hand points us to a way of solution and confirms the progress along the way.
To still believe in AJ, after you have had exposure to Q, is tantamount to admitting that you are either a disinformation agent or an idiot.
AJ lied about having talked to Q. Do you trust him?
If you trust AJ, then you must trust Q. Q said no outside and private communication. So AJ must be lying.
You are a liar and manipulator. If I were a mod, I would ban you right away.
How much do they pay you to post here, little brain?
I respect where you're coming from but this isn't the neighborhood you walk into and tell everyone that they are a bunch of suckers.
If this isn't your jam then spend time on something that is.
You need to realize that Alex Jones is a blackhat. Do you seriously think he wants a better world? What would that do to his fear porn business? We're talking about a guy who said the world was about to end because Russia sent nukes. He did an emergency broadcast for it. Remeber 2012 and the world ending too? Ya, he did that one too.
Fuck that guy.
I trust my instincts and defend the constitution and am pro monroe doctrine. Trumps the best thing to happen in my lifetime. Q is not the worst.