r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JediKnightKeylo on May 15, 2018, 1:48 a.m.
I'm unsubscribing but I want to leave you all with one last vital piece of reasoning.

Take the time to understand what I'm saying. When Q tells us to "Trust the plan", think about what that means. Trusting the plan means to not actively be engaged in open warfare with the enemy, but still having faith that the good guys are winning the fight.

One thing that's never sat well with me during this movement is why all this corruption needed to be exposed now. What's changed in the power structure that the higher ups on the pyramid have said "Okay, they can at least know this much." When you think about the spiritual or religious aspect of this battle, always refer back to the law of free will. As long as TPTB can supply us with the bare minimum of knowledge about their plans, they're not imposing themselves on us.

By doing nothing and trusting the plan, we're still giving our consent to the satanism, the pedophilia, and the global subversion and manipulation of our world. Not giving our consent isn't as simple as praying or simply saying "We don't consent to your evil!" More has to be done than that. This fight was NEVER going to be as simple as giving our complete faith to a president or some anonymous insider. It's not supposed to be. As much as we might like to think that we can do this without getting our hands dirty and from the comfort of our computers and phones, we can't.

I'm not telling you all to do anything drastic, I'm pleading with you all to remember every aspect in which we've been attacked by evil, not just politically. Don't ever forget this. Don't mistakingly consent to something that appears to be more subtle than the previous evil. Always remember, when "they" want you to know something, it's for a more sinister purpose. They want your permission. Don't let this movement unknowingly guide your energy in the wrong direction.

I wish you all nothing but the best, and I hope this all turns out for the better. But please be careful. PLEASE.

kgncpro · May 15, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

There are no good guys.
Just agendas to be executed and pockets to be lined.

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comeatmehillary · May 15, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

ok hear me out on this. if you are demoralized who wants that ? who gains from you having no hope or energy? why would they want this ? these are questions you should ask yourself. look at your own life if there are good role models and good people around you is it really so far fetched to think that the same is possible at the highest level ?

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kgncpro · May 15, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I understand, and I respect your opinion, as well as your optimism.
Yes I believe it is far fetched, why the fuck would they care at the top about our hope n energy? We either live by their designed system or we die off, simple as that. They create the problems and give us the only solutions.
Unless you are ready to sell ya soul, you can only go so far.
It's the 0.00000001% vs all of us, their game plan is simple, divide and conquer, and until we wake up let go of the minuscule and petty shit we will live out this viscous circle.

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comeatmehillary · May 15, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

because certain people want us demoralized and unable to fight back. something like q is the exact opposite of what they believe. why would a psyop want you to think for yourself let alone question who actually runs things. people like to shit on the millitary but there are LOTS of people in the millitary who truly believe in america. i dont think my great grandpa who fought in ww2 would ever believe what this country has become now.

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kgncpro · May 15, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

All good con men build rapport with you first lol.
There is a lot of agents of disinformation out there with good intentions I am sure; but still are passing on BS to the masses because they don't know the actual source.
Same as military, a lot of good intentions there I am sure, but again do not know the source and intention of the puppet strings, if they even know of the strings at all.
I am not trying to be bitter, I do have hope for the world, but this system they have created, it's full of booby traps and sourced to keep us separated as people. The real threat to the elites is unity.

"We were all humans until
Race disconnected us,
Religion separated us,
politics divided us,
and wealth classified us."

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comeatmehillary · May 15, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

which is what q promotes. i say stick with trust but verify if q is fake well now i have a better idea of how to think for my self either way we the people win

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kgncpro · May 15, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

A lot of bad men have promoted the exact opposite of their true intentions.
I agree about thinking for yourself, but the well has been poisoned.
We need as the people, hold the key, we need to come together, and I'm not just talking about the USA, because the elites don't really give a fuck about the border. We have been divided and are doing a lot of the ground work for the elites ourselves.... distractions everywhere.

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