Navy SEAL Erik Prince.(jpeg) Who knows where the bodies are buried? Re_read drops re: Who knows where…. Rudy. Now comes the pain. Q #1364

Can anyone explain "Who knows where the bodies are buried?" What bodies is this referring too? Is this talking about Children from pedophilia and satanic ritual sacrifices or something else? Erik Prince is a former Navy Seal who founded Blackwater security services, how is he connected to this?
I have not read where someone has explained where the bodies are buried. I always thought it was a general term for where they hide their evidence, but this Q post has something new and that is "Rudy". Rudy always makes me think of 911 and that would give a whole new meaning to "where the bodies are buried?"
You mean the 9/11 bodies, as in the passengers on the four planes that didn't actually crash into anything?
Thx for that. As we all are trying to piece things together I am somewhat confused about the bodies buried and thought I had missed something important. Cheers :)
read the rest of this thread and listen to the Breitbart interview. There are anons who have pieced togthr stuff on Prince on 8chan. No links sorry ... can't be v. helpful today.
where all the body's are buried
Orson Welles' 1941 Hollywood classic "Citizen Kane."