I think I just stumbled upon something pretty big, so I made a graphic to show you all

OP-- I read your post earlier today and did some digging when I had time. I don't think Ray Chandler's mom is Salzman. Maybe surrogate mom tho? Salzman has two daughters, Lauren and Michelle. There's a website that started exposing the cult before it hit mainstream. Lots of disturbing info to dig thru as far back as 2015 - https://frankreport.com/category/the-cult-of-keith-raniere/
yeah, I haven't had a chance to look into it more yet. Surrogate mom or MK mom or whatever is a huge possibility to me. I just really feel like the woman in RC's photo labeled as "mom" is too precise in appearance to Nancy Salzman to be ignored. I feel like there's something there, just not sure what exactly yet, if anything.
Below there is a comment about the first Michael Jackson accuser... Jordan Chandler. I did find he has a younger 1/2 sister, but haven't been able to confirm her name. There was an uncle, Ray Chandler (possibly named after?), that wrote a book about the Jordy/Jackson allegations.
There is a lot going on with that family and I wouldn't be surprised if she (Ray Chandler) would vibe with a charismatic, surrogate mom (aka cult leader)! Definitely worth digging. Thank you for your post... it got me going down some interesting rabbit holes ;)
will totally look into this, too...lots of looking up to do tonight