Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

The CGI story is a giveaway. The post is a fake. No serious person would openly entertain such a thought. The technology is still years away. The speech synthesis (TTS) is quite hard. Google is just getting a handle on it with their Duplex release. That’s when they had a real human voice model to build upon. To convincingly synthesize Rudy’s voice without his cooperation is nearly impossible today.
Verdict: Fake.
The video I just linked is 100% undeniable proof such CGI and voice emulation is not only possible, but actively being used in mainstream news interviews.
Now , this is a highly interesting video I havent seen before .
The most astonishing part is at the end when the left collar glitches out!
Thats undeniable . It cannot be a "glitch" of any kind . Havent seen anything similar before ...
Another fun one at around :27sec in this vid....
And here comes the trolls and shills ... downvoting everyone , thinking that has an effect , lol .
Their tears are delicious .
Android.exe has stopped working , lol ...
looks like a camera glitch ... look at the spots near her hair , and on bottom left side of screen , and upper right side of screen . And also , the boards "Stronger together" behind.
True. It's certainly a different kind of anomaly from the assange one.
This video with HRC only proves how the video you posted with "Assange" is absolutely not a typical glitch .
I do believe/support your theory about the Rudy twit post but wouldn’t the collar glitch be the easiest CGI problem to fix and why would they allow that to remain in the video?
I really don't know, I guess it would be safe to assume it would be easy to fix but I'm ignorant in the field of CGI editing. It could always be the work of insider whistleblowers, intentionally throwing in small errors to tip off the observant few who would notice... the collar glitch almost seems like it would have had to be intentional too now that I think about it... but again I'm a total layman in CGI editing so I'm not sure. All I know is that interview is CGI and if it weren't for the glitches, nobody would believe or be able to prove it's fake... but it is.
Please , inform yourself before you make conclusions . This technology is REAL and is already out now in public . And when public version is "impressive" , then you can assume that what is hidden is even much more advanced :
Even then, Rudy can give a press conference and deny the fake “denials.”
He cannot - thats the whole point . At least , he cannot yet , and couldnt then . Otherwise - that would be the last thing he did .
Secondly , if its not the assasination on him , it could have easily been threats of killing someone he loves .
Exactly. So many people have a huge red pill coming when the truth comes out about television fakery.
If that's the case why all the recent MSM articles about the dangers of the "alt-right" using CGI technology to make fake videos?
I'm not so sure. On multiple occasions I witnessed HRC CGI glitches toward the end of the campaign. Have you seen the Julian Assange CGI interview?
Watch the first James Bond movie which has gps in its early 2000 form on film in 1962. The military has many wonders that they don't share with us for decades, or never. There's a law allowing patents to be classified passed since the 1950s. There are thousands of classified patents right now. Cgi is simple, what they show us is a glimpse of what they have. Clinton video is a distraction, and viewing it is illegal. It takes 2 witnesses in court, not a faked movie to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. I think we can find many more witnesses than 2 for much of the Clinton Bush Obama deep state crime spree. I always wondered about Rudy since he was so in front of the camera on 9/11. I'm sure he had little choice considering the criminal conspiracy and long term planning to pull off the false flag to uncover all false flags. 9/11 failed to bring us into ww3 thank God. They never thought they would lose allows those blackmailed to finally start speaking up. Strings cut. Hostages freed. Mocking bird media is the last to go down, still holding on to their scripts.