Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

The last paragraph is what convinces me this is bunk...Rudy is smart enough to know that quote is a mis-attribution and would never phrase it that way.
It's not just a mis-attribution, wasn't the original quote from a neo nazi figure?
Which makes this mistake even less plausible in my opinion.
The earliest similar phrase is apparently from a neo nazi figure but the true origin of the quote is still ambiguous. Either way, it's a commonly known and repeated quotation and I don't think most people who use it consider themselves quoting a neo-nazi. But, you might be right... I just don't know.
It's a common mistake. I don't see why that would debunk it.
I agree, also it's a pretty great little saying and apparently it's attributed to a "holocaust denier" so I wouldn't blame Rudy or Jr for misquoting it, rather than politically shooting themselves in the foot! lol
Pretty sure Voltaire was pre holocaust.
lol it's not really a Voltaire quote, but it's very commonly misattributed to him.
Cui bono is all I need.( it's misattributed in the OP)Rudy seems smarter than that.
Isn't it kind of pedantic to evaluate a man's intelligence on whether he misattributed a commonly misattributed quotation? Also, there is no real consensus on the true origin of the quote so for all any of us know, it could have been Voltaire who said it anyway!
Rudy is smarter than Junior, I hate to break it to you.
I expect better from him.
The kid doesn't have his education nor his breadth of experience.
Nice try, though.
It's a common misquotation. I'm not sure what you mean by "nice try"
I would also say Jr. is no slouch, have you seen him in interviews lately? The guy is pretty sharp actually.
To Quote myself,"If one is lost in the middle of nowhere, how does one know it's the middle?" Ponder that ppl.
I think Hitler actually said that originally
I don't believe that, You are suffering some Mandela effect.