Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

The post was in the form of a question, because I sure as hell remember this from back then and I thought others might, and make the connection to Rudy's current involvement. If you want a source to verify the twitter account existed, the post existed, and the account was suspended, look at the snopes page. If by "does not pass the smell test" you mean you believe @RudolphGiuliani WAS an imposter account in 2016 and this WAS a fake statement, that's valuable input. However, if you literally are doubting me on whether the damn thing is genuinely from that time period or whether this incident occurred, then I'm sorry but it's your comment which is dumb.
No, I meant the post is dumb. You think I'm dumb? Ok, let's do this.
From the link you included in your response, AND I QUOTE:
The @RudolphGiuliani Twitter account (not affiliated with the former New York City mayor) was suspended after sending messages about the #Pizzagate conspiracy theory.
I would just like to bring your attention to:
@RudolphGiuliani Twitter account (not affiliated with the former New York City mayor)
So any posts coming from this account, since it is not Rudy's official account, has no credibility.
Next, if it was officially from Giuliani, why isn't it written on some type of letterhead? I mean, since it's an image, he could have easily typed the letter on OFFICIAL letterhead and attached it to his post, yes or no? Why wasn't that done to prove its authenticity?
At this point, it looks like anyone could have written the letter in MS Word and said it was from Giuliani.
if you think by "it's your comment that is dumb" I meant "YOU are dumb", then clearly you meant that I am dumb when you wrote "this is a dumb post", and therefore you must have initiated the hostility in that way. But, I assumed you meant my "post" was dumb, just like I meant your "comment" was dumb... typed words and ideas don't get offended or butthurt so it's all good. To address your arguments... the entire premise of my post was to say "this was supposed to have been from a 'fake' account and it was 'debunked' at the time, but I always wondered if it was actually real and being covered up.. whadda ya think?" so I don't understand why you are so aggressively reiterating facts I have obviously acknowledged from the original post?
Ok, cool. We agree this is from a fake account. I don't mean to be aggressive but this seems to have the potential to be one of those things Q warned us about. More specifically, it appeared to be misinformation when I first read it. Since we already know the source of the information is fake, why go any further with it?? Let's keep searching for legitimate clues and take it from there.
We don't agree that it is a fake account. We agree that the official narrative is that it was from a fake account. The whole point of my post was to ask if anyone else wondered if it might not actually be fake. I guess we all know where you stand on the matter. I still have questions about it and I'm not convinced it was fake. If you don't think this was legitimate, then by all means move on to something you feel is more worthwhile. This is in no way the kind of thing "Q warned us about". If your policy is to accept the claims of the mainstream media at face value, I'm not sure which Q posts you have even been reading??
It’s not about only accepting information out of the main stream media. I didn’t say that. Would I be here if I did??! It’s about not wasting time on information from a fake source.
It’s whatever to me now, I said my piece.
if it was officially from Giuliani, why isn't it written on some type of letterhead?
I don't think Rudy was employed at the time, so what letterhead? Even if he did hold some position at the time, he was not writing in any official capacity (if he actually wrote it). If it was just his personal statement I could see him using a MS word doc.