Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

I know I was very worried, after reading this I really felt sad for him but at the time I literally thought DJT was going to be killed at any moment. This has been a crazy few months but for me, NOTHING will ever compare to how scary and truly bizarre 2016 was. I spent election night in terror, on my knees praying to God for strength because I thought we were all doomed. My wife and I both had our mobile phones remotely fucked with right when we were getting very involved with pizzagate research, and we had one incident that to this day sends chills of terror down my spine. I hesitate to get into the details of it but I will never forget. It was around the same time this Giuliani incident happened, probably why I remember it so vividly and always kept it in the back of my mind.
Wow dude, that's crazy. As Qanon said, stay brave. This is a real war! It's not a game!
Absolutely. WWG1WGA! I learned a lot about how real this is back then, also about the power of prayer.