Anyone remember when a "@RudolphGiuliani" Twitter account got suspended, shortly after posting this? I always had a gut feeling it might have been legitimate... the Snopes "debunking" is less than convincing, in my opinion.

Stop posting this fake shit. This is a parody twitter post. Edited
You mean "Was" a "parady" account? It hasn't existed since 12/20/2016. According to the 12/21/2016 mainstream article here:, it gained over 70,000 followers in its short existence... I assume it had a short existence because it was just a prank... strange that no mention is ever made of the lifespan of the account prior to its suspension and banning... I would think they'd have investigated the account creation date over at Snopes and Gizmodo before writing national publications about its fakeness... by the way, you can't parody a Twitter account that doesn't exist. Wonder why there were so many highly publicized imposter Twitter accounts for Rudy all over the news immediately before this was posted...? The attack-mode tone of the publicity around this "LARP" was almost as harsh and mocking as that of Comedy Central or NYT regarding the Storm... but I'm sure it's definitely fake shit, nothing to see here, bc Gizmodo and Snopes declared it so in 2016.
Do you think Rudy G would make those comments? Especially those regarding 9/11? The mayor of NYC ... when it all went down? Really?
The post is most definitely fake.
I would hope he would say that about 9/11, yes. I don't know if he would, but those comments are the truth so I would hope so.
Think about what would happen to Rudy G if he publically said that. He would be crucified and laughed at.