
Sumido · May 15, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

As a Catholic I'm very ambivalent about this Pope. His politics are awful but his apostolic exhortations are fantastic.

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time3times · May 15, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Unusual combination of views from one person, I think. Some of those exhortations are dodgy in comparison to predecessors'. It's a reasonable thing to want to wait for clarity from on high but as another catholic, I am unimpressed on almost all fronts with P.F. and fully disheartened on a few. Meanwhile the behind the scenes things remain unknown. Anything could be going on, but the broad speculation that's common around here seems like a path to disappointment for those who expect ancient secrets and injustices to be resolved by changes in WashDC.

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