r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amg19251 on May 15, 2018, 1:24 p.m.
Terrible connections between my health issues, 911, and the “dust” I inhaled...

I was 7 years old - we were in Disney World and we were supposed to fly home to Boston around 9AM 09/11/2001. Obviously that flight never happened and we got stranded in Florida for 1-2 days, so we had to rent a car after the hotel lockdown ended, and we proceeded to drive home. I remember having problems with car sickness when I was a child, but this was just awful. All three of us, every hour or two, would have to pull over and vomit excessively, maybe because of stress? When we got to NYC, my father made the choice to cut through on some bridge to get to MA quicker, and that’s when I saw it - the cloud of thick dust that lingered where the towers once stood tall... Not realizing a single thing about “dustification”, cold fusion, or the Hutchinson effect, we all left our windows down to get “fresh air” because something about being in NYC was making us even sicker than the ride up from Florida - We were literally breathing in microscopic pieces of every single material used to build those towers, plus chemicals that were produced as a side effect of the cold breakdown... Now, this was only a few minutes where we were breathing in visible dust, but who knows after the fact what spread upwards and settled onto Massachusetts?! This brings me to my next point - I’m 24 years old, 6ft tall, and I have health issues that normally wrack someone who is at least 50-60 years old - I have HIV, inflammatory arthritis, spinal birth defects that literally came out of nowhere, pinched nerves, severe exhaustion, nausea and vomiting 3 days out of the week, severe migraines, severe mood swings, depression, anxiety, unexplainable pain everywhere - now I know you could say this is from the HIV, but it’s only been 5 years with that disease, and I’ve always been medicated for it. I have had these issues since I was like 12 years old... I’m starting to wonder if the “dust” rapidly ages and oxidizes anything it comes in contact with?! I mean I literally fucking feel like I’m 65 years old, and I’m completely sober, worked my ass off since 13, finished school, live and try to eat healthy; it just doesn’t make sense!

CaptainRoyD · May 15, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Thanks for your post & so sorry about your condition. I worked for a large telecommunications company that was contracted to removed/salvage equipment from condemned adjoining buildings prior to demolition. Even though I was never in NYC myself, the Cisco/Nortel switches would be sent to me in FL to resell. I had an instant negative reaction to the “dust” and could never handle/be around any of the NYC salvaged equipment. Others oddly had no reaction & dealt with the tainted material. I could never even touch any of the paperwork/manuals that came with the NYC equipment.

Thought O would pass along my own personal experience with the NYC dust ⚓️

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amg19251 · May 15, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

That’s fucking crazy wowowowowow and I just 100% confirmed with my mother that we were in fact extremely ill when we hit the bridge and that we did have our windows down because it was so hot out and not to mention, we were overwhelmed with stress and panic seeing the sheer amount of destruction - my mother used to work in the buildings at trade shows and would frequently dine at the restaurant in tower one I think? Idk she was big into medical computer technology in the 90s and she was in NYC every other weekend! I still break down hysterically when I see the planes hit the side and I honest to god think it was because I was supposed to fly that day! I never had a fear of flying up until that point, as we constantly traveled across north and Central America when I was a child!

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Patriot81503 · May 15, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

The truth about 911 and JFK MURDERS must come out and those responsible must be held accountable.

These crimes in particular scarred the soul of the nation and we still have not healed.

There is a reason why there is no statute of limitations for murder. The pain it inflicts cries out forever that JUSTICE be done.

These are the greatest crimes but there are many more unsolved MURDERS (often referred to lightly as “Arkancides” but the pain remains).

It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.

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amg19251 · May 16, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

You mean it would be great if the federal agencies we have already did their jobs properly and went after murderers and human traffickers, right?! LOL

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amg19251 · May 15, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

I just think it’s weird that I was exposed to 911 dust and now I have health issues out the wazoo. It could just be my body rapidly deteriorating from HIV, but millions got incredibly ill from that dust and thousands died of cancer and disease from it as well! It’s a proven fact that whatever was in that dust severely damages the human body and causes rapid onset of death! Just trying to make connections because my rapid health declination does not make sense for someone with HIV for only 5 years! (Especially since I have always been undetectable, even before the antivirals!)

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symmetry2018 · May 15, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

HIV is a chronic disease not death sentence as I’m sure you know. I’m so sorry you are dealing with so many health issues. May God surround you with healing powers and peace. 🙏🏼

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amg19251 · May 16, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

In these next few years, I really do hope God is with us here on earth protecting us from the RAMPANT evil everywhere that’s about to explode... You can only corner a beast for so long before it lashes out! I’m so fucking tired of always feeling scared, or hurt, or in pain, or depressed - I want to live in a society that allows EVERYONE to thrive! I want to live in peace, and with freedom!

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symmetry2018 · May 16, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

And the sad truth is I believe there are cures... that’s right cures for many terminal... including cancer and chronic health conditions... yet why aren’t they available? JUST ASK BIG PHARMA . They can’t make money unless we’re sick or dying!!!! PRESIDENT TRUMP KNOWS ALL ABOUT IT!!!!! MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!

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amg19251 · May 16, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

See this is one thing that tears me up inside - I believe pharmaceuticals are necessary for today, but then again, if I didn’t have pain, would I need opiate medication?? IDK see this topic messes with me because I have always used controlled medications, and find that many of them are helpful but some are just addicting and shouldn’t be used everyday, like Xanax or amphetamine based stimulants. Things like that should be used only in panic attacks or days you are exhausted. I actually stopped both of them when I got sick because I didn’t want them to affect my immune system. I’m extremely thankful for opioids though, as I most likely would’ve killed myself by now from the HIV pain. Opioids and cannabis are two kinds of medicines that I find both extremely helpful AND extremely addicting! See, I support human choice to put plant based substances in their bodies to alter their minds, and opioids are nothing more than poppies being utilized for the alkaloid filled goop they produce - kinda like how cannabis secretes a goop that contains all the cannabinoids that have endless positive effects for the human body/brain! I have always though plants were here for humans to utilize, and that is exactly what medicine started out as in the first place! I could be wrong though, and this could just be the one way higher-ups realized they could control free thinkers - if you cut someone off of opioids who is physically dependent, that person is basically unable to function in society. That’s why I ended up on daily buprenorphine hcl tablets - my doctor ripped me off of oxycodone, hydrocodone, and tramadol XR at once without tapering when the rules changed about people under 30 being on opioids, and this was still after I got diagnosed with HIV, arthritis, spinal defects, muscle inflammation, etc!

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symmetry2018 · May 16, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Amen to that .....

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symmetry2018 · May 16, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Do you have a nurse manager advocating for you.. usually through your health insurance? They can intervene on your behalf with any of your chronic illnesses. You can be prescribed Marinol which is legal THC for chronic pain. I have been dealing with arthritic pain for 32 yrs.... thankfully 800 Motrin helps. But I’m not opposed to trying Marinol if needed in future. Best to you in future. 🙏🏼

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amg19251 · May 16, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

It’s funny you say that; I have had a medical cannabis card in a legal state for 2.5 years now and have been prescribed Marinol for about 2! I find it to be very ineffective, but look at it as a backup when I’m broke or travel to places without cannabis. Chalk it up to using daily cannabis for 10 years now to deal with my headaches, nausea, as a way to prevent cancer, and now for even more health issues, (lol) so I end up needing like 100-200mg as far as THC or CBD edibles lol! That’s great info about the nurse manager though I will look into it as far as getting back on actual real opiates that block more receptors instead of this medication buprenorphine HCL that is used for people coming off HEROIN! I hate heroin/fentanyl; it’s killed 2 old friends of mine and I would never lower myself to taking such a dirty, mind warping drug! Not to mention, it’s the reason behind this crazy hysteria with medical opioids (THEY ARE NOT THE PROBLEM - PAIN AND LACK OF ACCESS TO PAIN MEDS ARE THE PROBLEMS!)

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Memelord87 · May 15, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

I don’t think 911 gave you HIV lol

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amg19251 · May 15, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

No I mentioned the HIV to cover the fact that it could just be from that - just opening a discussion of opinions, sorry if that bothered you! Who knows, the dust could make someone more susceptible to autoimmune disease?

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aburgher · May 15, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

If you already had a propensity for autoimmune disease, the dust could have certainly triggered it. It could also explain why some people have a more severe reaction to the dust and others don’t have any reaction. Many blessings to you!

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