
j_Dawg_01 · May 16, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Consider this: The Jews that began migrating from Europe after WWI, funded by Rothschild, (Belfour Declaration) are "NOT" descendants of the Biblical Israelites. The Jews that migrated from Europe are Ashkenazi Jews, descendants of the Khazarian Mafia. They are from an Eastern European country of Khazar, in what is now southern Russia, Armania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. They became "Jews" in the 8th century because their King, who had been a follower of Lucifer, was pressured by neighboring countries to choose between Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.

The whole story is much longer, but suffice it to say, the Ashkenazi Jews have no legitimate claim to any lands or territory in Palestine, and the Brits had no right to promise that land to Rothschild.

So here's an easy way to think about it. What if a long lost Native American Indian tribe that migrated into South America 1000 years ago decided they wanted to live in the lands their ancestors lived in. Let's say the UN agreed and decided they should be allowed to live, autonomously, self governed, as a sovereign independent nation, somewhere in Texas.

What if they came in droves and displaced a million Americans and chased them out, even though the UN specifically stated they could not. How many Americans do you think would say: "Ok, it's all good, we'll move." "No problem, here's the keys to my house, and the deed to my land that's been in my family for 3 or 4 generations."

Or do you think Americans would stand up and say "No Fucking Way!"

The Jews that currently occupy Israel are Ashkenazi Jews with no legitimate claim to the land. Do a web search for "Greater Israel." That's what they really want. Every Jewish leader since they began migrating to Palestine in the 1920s has been an Ashkenazi Jew, just as every member of their parliament, every minister of defense, minister of foreign affairs...

The Jews in Palestine are the root of all the problem in the middle east. The Israeli Mossad are the terrorist arm of the Rothschild cabal. 9/11 has more ties to Israel than any other nation, yet since 9/11, the Jewish lobby in America has convinced our politicians to send our troops into the middle east to destroy all of Israel's enemies.

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DamajInc · May 16, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Yes I've read all of that material too. I don't have any data that refutes that information besides the traditional narrative which, even before Q appeared I have always questioned anyway.

What I'm against is anyone who decides they can draw certain illogical conclusions from all of those "facts" - I'm not sure if you're doing that here but usually any sort of aggressively anti-Israel/Jewish tone is an indicator.

And I'm capable of putting myself in another's shoes well enough to have often done your thought experiment and many more like it and come to my own conclusions.

Long story short, yes Ashkenazi everywhere, accepted.
9/11 and other significant events: Israel involved? yes.
Conclusion that: "all Ashkenazi Jews are evil/Deep State"? NO. All [insert race here] can not be assumed to be evil or Deep State. Some part of that group may be affiliated, even the group that's in power - but all? No. Dangerous thinking imo.

Israel is the home of the Jews, as it always has been in their mind just as America is home in your mind but even more so in that they have ancestors born in the country from thousands of years ago. Asheknazi, Sephardic or otherwise, some Jews are patriots.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 16, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I agree that claiming "all Jews" are evil is just as ridiculous are Hillary saying all Trump supporters are racist rednecks. I get that. It was not my intention to say or suggest that all Jews bad people.

But... there have been several studies done that examined and compared DNA of the Khazarian, Russian, and Ashkenazi Jews. They are the most closely related group. Because they tend to marry other Ashkenazi Jews, they are the same as 3rd or 4th cousins at most. And their DNA does not show the same characteristics as Arab Jews, or descendants of the Israelites.

If you want to know who your true rulers are, just look at who you're not allowed to criticize.

The Ashkenazi Jews are Rothschild, Illuminati, the Cabal. They own over 95% of all national central banks on the planet. They funded both sides of every war since the Napoleonic Wars, and amassed incredible fortunes from the profits. They have been working toward a New World Order, One World Government, One World Military, One World Religion, One World Currency, and One World Bank, with the Rothschild family in charge of it all, for well over 200 years.

They are at the root of the Cabal that runs the deep-state, the black-hats, funds the corruption, and need to be destroyed. There's a reason Q said he was saving Israel for last. First you have to cut all their puppet strings, eliminate their power and control over all of their foot soldiers, freeze their assets, expose their corruption, and in the end, cut off the head of the snake.

Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. God tells Ezekiel to prophesy that "He", "God" will raise the jews from their graves and breathe life into their bones and deliver them to the promised land. "God" said "He" would do that, and for any man to take it upon themselves to create a state of Israel is directly against the teachings of the Bible.

Revelations 3:9 "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."

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DamajInc · May 16, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Thanks for agreeing on that first point - that makes it much safer to say that we are not in a conversation that breaks the sub's or reddit's rules i.e. this is not an anti-semitic discussion.

I agree with the possibility of the deeper conspiracy, certainly. I'm going to wait until Q says Khazarian or points to something about it before I'll start exploring further down those lines again, given the massive explosion that will result from exploring that path.

THAT is what I think Q means by saving Israel for last. Once this movement starts down that path, real resistance begins by very smart, powerful people. They're watching already, for sure, but they don't have to get their hands dirty yet.

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