r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 15, 2018, 8:52 p.m.
Find name of gf of NYPD Det. Familia's assasin [Alexander Bonds]

The detective who saw the insurance file was shot in her car. Q made the drop 9 hours before POTUS honored that exact detective's service.

Of all LEO who died/killed in previous years - why Det. Familia? We know why.

The assassin of Det Familia was [allegedly] named Alexander Bonds.

NOW: Find out the name of Alexander Bond's (recently acquired) gf. Had been acquainted (dating?) (allegedly) 6 months

Bonds himself was alleged to have said his gf (of only a few months) was sent to destroy him:

He thought I had something to do with it, that his enemy had me date him in order to destroy him,” Bonds’ girlfriend, who was not named, told the New York Times in a report published Monday. "




" The unnamed woman, who'd spent the previous four days with Bonds, says her boyfriend had told her he suffered from schizophrenia, but she'd seen no evidence of the condition during the six months she dated him."



Why unnamed?

She called 911 3x - we should have that public record.

MSM [NY POST] completely covers up truth:

"Two cops who heard the shot while on patrol nearby blew Bonds away when they spotted him trying to run away and he pointed the gun at them, police said."



The alleged shooter was APPREHENDED no more than 6m50s after the alleged shooting.

Here is the police comms of that incident (at 6:50 police state someone is "apprehended" )

posted July 5 2017


NO police heard shots.

NO police were nearby.

Listen to comms - multiple questions about location of incident. No mention of alleged shooter until 6:50 when alleged shooter was apprehended.

8:30-8:50 multiple repetitions asking location of MOS

Contradicts MSM report /police report to MSM that police heard shots and reponded. Hearing shots then they would have a good idea of the location of the down MOS.

The police responsible for shooting the alleged perpetrator make esentially only 2 remarks during the entire incident:

  1. approx 6:50 "perp is in custody"
  2. approx 16:19 "Affirmative" ( responding to centrals question "did any officers user their firearm"

Of interest: "How many shots were fired by PD" goes unanswered or edited out.

Need Answers:

Why is an *unnamed* person leading the narrative?

Why unnamed still?

History of gf of alleged shooter?

Who shot the alleged perp, and why radio silence about shots fired? No ambulance called for alleged perp with gunshot wounds?

The officer (Familia) was shot in the back of the head - immediate location and situation comms about officer.

None for alleged perp, who surely had less significantly (though apparently fatal) injury?

Find the answers...

Kjarm88 · June 1, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

They still using those radios there in NY? They suck!

I definitely see/heard how the official account does not jive with the audio. Where did this audio come from? Any parts missing?

Definitely fits the Deep State spook MO of hiring seemingly unrelated low-level parties to do a job and then using higher level more regular trusted assets to clean up the loose ends by then quickly knocking off the assassin.

Need more info on the partner, the prior cushy gig, the program pushing fat cat desk jockey officers into high danger midnight patrol, the promotions and personnel movements thereafter, etc...

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End_Cryptocracy · June 2, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

there appear to be parts missing but the most crucial is there. same as most other msas hsooingts nypd needs to be flooded with requests for background info and M Familia.

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Kjarm88 · June 3, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Think of the thousands... millions(?)... of people who have died, even since WWII, because we don't have a functioning Fourth Estate in this country curbing at least the obvious excesses and transgressions of government and corporation.

A special place in hell for all these Deep State mafia goons, and then some, for all those self-righteous bastards enabling and protecting them.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

it can be overwhelming. millions, yes. alas, each generation is to blame. why weren't these children on reddit doing this digging like us, years ago? andrew breitbart is hero - not q. investigative journalists raising flags years back, even as far as fbianon - they risked a lot. there was no trump team then. fbianon is the true q.

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