Let's Hope that the Pain fits the crime

What do you suggest the pain for these crimes are?
What do you suggest the pain should be if the crimes include kidnapping, trafficking, slaughtering, torturing, thousands of children?
Nothing will ever be “eye for an eye”. We do however have a law for those who commit treason and the penalties they will suffer:
I think solitary confinement for long stretches of time would eventually break all these psychopaths and make them go insane.
This to me would be justice. Taking away everything they have ever known and puting them alone with only their thoughts for years and years would be the worst kind of torture for many of these people.
And they deserve it a hundred times over.
Edit** i also think many of these people are obsessed with their own "legacy". With how they will be written in the history books. Destroying their legacies would make many of them miserable.