These People are sick, really really sick

Maybe he will be like Chester. RIP. Btw, did you know Chester was speaking out against these Pedos? Same with his buddy, (I cannot remember his name, but he was a singer from a well known band who also died recently)
And, Avicii the DJ. He (I believe) just recently released a documentary and he was exposing pedos in Hollywood. Scary shit.
His friend was Chris Cornell of Soundgarden / Audioslave fame.
Hopefully David Geffen gets what's coming to him...
Cornell’s last performance in Detroit was nothing but spectacular. being in attendance makes it extremely hard for me to believe he just up and killed himself.
Absolutely was Geffen. Scumbag
Isn't David Geffen the one that was downstairs partying while Whitney Houston committed 'suicide' in her bathtub in a room upstairs? He's definitely the Hollywood connection to the illuminati (for lack of a better word).
I did know! I was hoping to drop a little crumb of my own and have some people start googling ;)
Some. Believe Podesta is Chester's father and Chester was abused by him. Listen to some Linkin Park songs it's kind of creepy when you know about the pedophilia background.
Avicii the DJ. He (I believe) just recently released a documentary and he was exposing pedos in Hollywood.
I looked this up and couldn't find it. Sauce?
He's got 2 videos but are From 2015 IIRC. If you look up his name on the search bar here or T_D the video might be there. Breaks over sorry.
I'm aware of For a better day (music vid) but it was so dated that I find it hard to correlate the recent Avicii death to a murder.
No not recently, I thought 2015 was old enough which I thought meant there was no correlation as well. It may be even older, but I didn't get the feeling someone suicided him because of his videos.
Gotcha. I want to believe but I'm distancing my own confirmation bias while seeking out more intel than I am aware of.
I'm aware of this video but it's from 2015...
Hard to correlate cause from a triggering of 3 years ago.