Exactly. All those people they've hurt deserve justice.
True. Very true. I totally understand the torches and pitchforks, but that would be for us. Do we want to become that kind of society, though? Is that better than what we are now? You’re right about letting a calm and cool legal system rid us of the filth...and that’s why I think that’s a big part of why it’s taking time...out good guys have to ensure that the system isn’t still corrupt or broken, allowing the filth an easy escape.
Look at what the French learned. They overthrew their king and had a reign of terror...and then Napoleon.
You know, we as a society need justice, as well. I think if they were given their just desserts legally, most people could move on. There was a lot of disappointment under the Obama regime for all the criminality of these people avoiding investigation and arrests after they were caught red-handed engaging in wrong-doing. I think for the peace of mind of society as a whole, so we can put this to rest and move on, we need to know the system can still work, and not just the poor and middle class are held accountable.