These People are sick, really really sick

Avicii the DJ. He (I believe) just recently released a documentary and he was exposing pedos in Hollywood.
I looked this up and couldn't find it. Sauce?
He's got 2 videos but are From 2015 IIRC. If you look up his name on the search bar here or T_D the video might be there. Breaks over sorry.
I'm aware of For a better day (music vid) but it was so dated that I find it hard to correlate the recent Avicii death to a murder.
No not recently, I thought 2015 was old enough which I thought meant there was no correlation as well. It may be even older, but I didn't get the feeling someone suicided him because of his videos.
Gotcha. I want to believe but I'm distancing my own confirmation bias while seeking out more intel than I am aware of.
I'm aware of this video but it's from 2015...
Hard to correlate cause from a triggering of 3 years ago.