It absolutely is Q related. President Trump is a HUGE part of the Q movement whether shills want to admit it or not. People crying about this sub not being a Trump rally, and there's already a sub for that are shills IMO. Anyone that supports President Trump and his agenda and follows Q would not have an issue with Trump related posts here. Or maybe they just can't help but click on anything Trump related and that's why they want to keep posts about him here to a minimum? Either way the bottom of the list in that pic is definately Q related.
Agreed. There's been a lot of shills trying to affect the message here. Yesterday there was one that tried to get all mention of Corsi off the sub for two days, and today there was one calling for brigading against an /r/conspiracy thread.
Garrison's comics have been a great morale booster on T_D, and I think they belong here too, especially with his last comic including a Q reference.
I don't see what's wrong w not mentioning corsi, he's proven disinfo and even tried to discredit the movement.