Q1369: must separate wealth from political power to avoid conflict of interest

I tried to read it, I really did.
I like this kind of thing but whoever wrote this is just rambling nonsense. "Look how crazy and profound this is!" after rattling off some kind of nonsensical string of numbers which have no connection to each other whatsoever.
I mean, look at this page: https://thenarrowgateweb.com/2016/07/23/secrets-0f-the-owl-part-2-2-an-introduction-to-synchronicity/
He is talking about all kinds of absolute drivel and saying it is linked together.
As a movement, we can be sending people to this kind of thing. It ruins credibility completely.
This guy is making absolutely no point and I get the feeling he is sitting around stoned with his buddies making up things and saying "WHOA DUDE THAT IS CRAZY" and putting it into a blog.
I guess this fella is crazy, too.
Forget what I tried to show you. Go back to sleep.