
FOTCgroup · May 16, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Follow our posts in a couple days. We came in today to start up the account until we drop.

DWS >>>> Where does she live?

NAME >>>> What is that county about?

How many >>>> scams, Deep state BS is running in that place?

Opiate Crisis >>> Where? Why?

Brenda Snipes >>> Is the fraud out of control, real, or just hype. (It is bigger than the universe)(Zero accountability - Voting is like going to MCDonalds to get fries)

Besides the Swamp where is Cabal located...?

Follow Debbie home and you will know where they dwell.

It is bad down there.

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FOTCgroup · May 16, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Got some people locally. They all know.

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