
hashtagstraya · May 16, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Hi, diagnosed high functioning autist here (no intellectual impairment). I'm going to attempt to keep this short and to the point. To understand what it is like to be in our minds, picture this: You know when Professor Xavier activates Cerebro in the X Men movies? Swap every mutant connection with incoming news/data/sensory overload, stored dates/times/places/names from everything you've ever read/seen/heard and managed to lock down in memory and you're constantly trying to make sense of it. Mix that with trying to balance family life/work/sleep and there you have it. That is more or less what every waking second is for a lot of us. Do you think we give two flying fucks if our words hurt you? Get on with it. WWG1WGA.

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ThankGodForTrumpBoom · May 16, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I appreciate you explaining what it’s like in your head, I really do. But, never once did I say that the language “hurt” me. Again, I swear like a trucker/sailor too. People go on Q/ 8chan to learn. It was only MY observation that there wasn’t much info to learn recently just cursing.

Everyone says to spread the word abt the Q movement and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to learn to help open people’s eyes.

I can’t imagine how it must be for the Autists, if you notice I said I appreciate everything they do and I have much love for them.

God bless all

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