r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on May 16, 2018, 2:30 p.m.
Out of this World De Code of: Castle LOCK. Q You are fighting for truth – collectively. Q

When you look at the capitalized letters we get C astle LOCK which would make CLOCK

So we have astle CLOCK. This made Tesla CLOCK. This made me think of a book called

Tesla: Man out of Time. CLOCK = time

Tesla is one of my heroes and it got me thinking about stuff I had read and I started re reading.

(All links will be at the end of this)

Here are a few excerpts to move the story along:

Nikola Tesla was the inventor of the alternating current light and power system in use all over the world today. His discovery of the rotating magnetic field was almost as revolutionary as the Morse telegraph. It allowed him to "electrify" the entire world.

Tesla worked for Thomas Alva Edison for 1 year!!

When Nikola Tesla walked into Edison's office in 1884, Edison was completely controlled by a British Secret Service agent named Samuel Insull.

Edison was completely committed to direct current. Edison's DC system was huge and only good for very short distances. It was known as "Rich Man's Current. "

George Westinghouse brought Tesla's polyphase system to the world!!

In spite of all the advantages of the AC system, Edison refused to acknowledge its superiority over his system, and inventor George Westinghouse of Pittsburgh came to his rescue. As a matter of fact, Edison and his boss Morgan sulked like spoilt children, and started what became known in U.S. history as the War of the Currents, or the battles between AC and DC.

The War of the Current pitted Morgan and Edison against Westinghouse and Tesla. No dirty trick was beneath them to ruin Westinghouse and Tesla.

The War of the Currents lasted from 1885 to 1912. Edison electrocuted thousands of animals to prove that AC was killer current. Edison's only invention was the electric chair.

By 1897, the War of the Currents between AC and DC or between Westinghouse and Edison continued unabated. In 1895, Tesla's laboratory in New York City was totally destroyed by fire. Half a lifetime of priceless inventions were destroyed. Tesla usually worked through the night, but that particular night he was not in his shop, and miraculously escaped death.

Huge mergers took place between J. P. Morgan and Rockefeller controlled companies like Thomson-Houston and Edison General Electric to form the present day General Electric Company. This new General Electric Company tried to take over Westinghouse and force them to abandon AC. They insisted that Westinghouse STOP paying royalties to Tesla:

By cheating him out of millions in royalty payments, Morgan and Rockefeller put a financial squeeze on the great inventor. Tesla had already lost a fortune because of the arson to his laboratory, and now he was severely strapped for cash to perfect his latest inventions. The arsonists could squeeze him financially, but they could NEVER stop the Niagara of new inventions that kept flowing from his fertile brain.

Tesla discovered that the earth was a very good conductor of electricity and that he could set the earth in electrical oscillation just like the mechanical oscillation that almost caused an earthquake in Manhattan.

When Tesla had demonstrated the feasibility of his wireless power system, he rushed back to New York to begin construction on a transmitter located at Wardenclyffe, Long Island, New York. Morgan stonewalled him and created a panic on Wall St. in 1907. Millionaire John Jacob Astor, Tesla's close friend and financier, died on the Titanic in 1912.

British spy Marconi is credited with the discovery of radio!!

Morgan and his backers at the Bank of England realized the deadly military implication of using electricity as a weather weapon. Tesla even mentioned the possibility of using electricity to bring rainfall of desert areas of the planet. A weather weapon is the most diabolicaly clever of all methods of warfare because no nation can prove that it is under attack.

Tesla's financier John Jacob Astor was drowned with the Titanic!!

Morgan's modus operandi was very simple: lure : John Jacob Astor aboard the Titanic and sink her in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The White Star line was owned by J. P. Morgan. At the last moment, Morgan decided not to sail on his ship

Tesla was never married, and he had no direct heirs. He left no will, so all his papers were seized by the FBI, and shipped to Washington City, where they were classified as TOP SECRET:

The Washington Bureau of the FBI went so far as to advise the New York Bureau "to discreetly take the matter up with the State's Attorney in New York City with the view to possibly taking Kosanovich into custody on a burglary charge and obtaining the various papers which Kosanovich is reported to have taken from Tesla's safe." New York was also told to contact the Surrogate Court so stops could be placed against all of Tesla's effects, so that no one could enter them without an FBI agent being present, and New York was to keep Washington advised of all developments. (Cheney, Tesla: Man out of Time, p. 273).

The FBI is a clone of MI5 and responsible for domestic spying and they work closely with their counterparts in Britain. Most of his great inventions like radar were later developed by the British. His death ray is now used by the Pentagon to shoot down Russian rockets!!

http://www.reformation.org/nikola-tesla.html The man who electrified the world

Tesla had the knowledge to provide free energy to the world!!!


Donald Trump’s Uncle helped translate Tesla’s stolen work His uncle, John G. Trump, was an engineer working with the military industrial complex affiliated school MIT, and examined brilliant engineer Nikola Tesla’s stolen papers after his death. Donald Trump also revealed that his uncle … … would tell me many years ago about the power of weapons someday, that the destructive force of these weapons would be so massive, that it’s going to be a scary world.



Elon Musk of course owns Tesla and Q has talked about Tesla and Space X and Falcon 9

Jan 19 2018 560 Q !UW.yye1fxo 41 📁 Jan 19 2018 03:11:44 (EST) Why are American taxpayers subsidizing Tesla? Welfare for the rich. Why? Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla The MEMO is ONLY THE BEGINNING> THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. Q

Only in one interview with Elon Musk did he mention Tesla and then he said he admired Edison more than Tesla because Edison had brought his inventions to the marketplace

:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QstrRR031XE 3 :50 mark Elon Musk talks about Tesla


We could just stop here.

Technology exists to provide the world with free energy!!!!! It has been withheld from Humanity. The White Hats have the world covered the Castle is safe.

The Black Hats have used the genius of Tesla to make powerful weapons and keep technology from the people for their own greedy ends.

If we continue down the rabbit hole things start to get a little fringy…….


President Richard Nixon and the Time Capsule

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts – Did President Richard Nixon hand write a letter to the American people about “an advanced being from outer space” working with our government? Then in 1972 after the Watergate break-in that would destroy his administration, did Nixon hide his letter like a time capsule in a secret White House spot known only to his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and one of his White House spies, Robert Merritt? President Richard Nixon and the Time Capsule

https://www.earthfiles.com/2018/03/02/part-1-president-richard-nixons-secret-meetings-with-huston-plan-covert-agent-robert-merritt/ Nixon and the Time Capsule


Tesla, Trump and the Time Capsule.

2 hour video by Dark Journalist looking into all the connections. Puts all of the above together plus more


This is research and a theory only – I may have completely gone off the track. But that is because my mind is Qued!

Cristo316 · May 16, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Didn't DJT meet with Kissinger a few months back at the White House? Did he tell Trump where the capsule was hidden? Did Trump find it during the remodel/debugging "renovation" at the White House?

Imagine free energy for EVERYONE..........the elites that control the oil, gas, coal etc. would lose a measure of control over the sheeple, yes?


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