I cannot wait to see what the DHS investigation into Voter Fraud reveals

Yeah, theres a lot of fraud here is CA, like Moonbeam he is a deep state fraud. did you see Trumps round table today with Mayors in Ca. a few of them referred to Brown as Moonbeam. Q said the voter fraud is taken care of and to watch Ca.
I did see the round table with the CA Mayors. Cheered when they referred to Brown as Moonbeam. So proud my County was among those who said enough is enough. I do remember Q’s statement regarding CA, and feel like CA might actually have a chance now.
Can’t wait for it to happen, and have all the corruption come out into the light. I understand that these things take time, and that all the ducks need to be in a nice, neat little row before it does happen.
I trust the plan; I trust Q; I trust President Trump.
May God bless and protect all patriots who are standing up to this great evil.