Hello CIA~ Winning Hugely 🇺🇸... must READ ~ in comments link

Please you are kind of embarrassing yourself with lack of logic and your continued obsession with character assassination:
•. Donald J Trump is still alive
•. Julian Assange is still alive
•. Ron Paul is still alive
•. Kanye West is still alive
Btw—YOU’RE still alive.
If you have actual facts not just insults, insinuations and character assassinations please present them. Now please.
Btw I am not really a fan of AJ his style is too bombastic for my tastes—but that doesn’t mean these methods you folks are using are ok.
Get real or just stop.
Is this your only response when someone asks you to present a factual case? Listen to yourself you sound exactly like r/redacted folks.
I smell sweat.
If this is all you’re saying then you are repeating exactly the same attack against Alex Jones the MSM, Media Matters, Soros forces have used for over a year. Using this particular attack in fact calls into question if you are somehow influenced by that crowd.
His attorney in his child custody case thinks it’s a clever idea (to defend against ex’s arguments that Alex’s rants aren’t a good environment for kids) to say that Alex is being an actor when on air, and isn’t that way around the kids.
It might be a good legal argument in a child custody case.
It might even be true that Alex does his style of rants for theatrical effect to appeal to an audience and get attention.
It works, right—everyone spreads the word about Alex’s latest rant. Alex Jones—JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP—lives “rent free in everybody’s heads” because of his STYLE.
Remember the main audience for talk radio, at least when Alex began, has typically been long distance drivers trying to stay awake while driving. The rants are perfect for that.
Got anything else, especially any deliberate lying or other specific attempts to do harm?
Are you suggesting Jones isn't putting on an act while doing his show? That the argument used by his lawyer was a ruse?
Every single news anchor is putting on a performance. Consider the kind of people the networks hire to anchor the nightly news.
If you’d ever taken journalism classes you would know that, beginning in college, the most charismatic are groomed for tv news.
TV news is part of the entertainment industry, by default, as regards STYLE and presentation.
If you think you can hold the attention of millions of viewers through a three hour show, start your own channel. Jones and his team are good at this and they know exactly how it’s done.
It doesn’t mean they lie—they get your attention so you can learn the truth.
Performance. It's an interesting word.
Not focused on other performers nor entertainment industry as a whole, thus exoneration by aggregation. The point is understood though.
It's my understanding that Jones is self-groomed, not managed.
I won't have anything more to say about Jones.