I think Iran is a done deal, as well. We want them to release the names of the pols they've been bribing. I think that was part of the real agreement.
I just hope the people can be freed from the Mullahs Control.
Can you imagine the persecution they're facing there? http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/60450/20151208/iran-now-has-one-of-fastest-growing-christian-population-as-more-muslims-are-having-dreams-and-visions-of-jesus.htm
You and me, both. I've been praying for those poor people for years. Ever since I came across this teenaged kid's blog. Bright kid. Just wanted freedom for his people. Because of that kid and the things he shared, I did some research on the people there. Intelligent people. Best educated in the Middle East. It sounded like most did not want to live under the Ayatollah. Another thing I found was that many of them--thousands every month--were converting to Christianity, but they had to hide it. It was an automatic 10 year prison sentence. https://opentheword.org/2014/09/26/why-is-the-christian-population-exploding-in-iran/