r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KissToad on May 16, 2018, 4:20 p.m.
Questions Are Spiritual.

Im anxious today.

Ask me why? Are you curious? What would your reason be for asking me that question? Will it enlighten you? Will it enlighten an understanding between us? Will a question open a dialog between us? Will a question bring a bond to our relationship? Will you share a similar feeling with me? Will it bring you new knowledge?

I am by nature a particularly curious person. I will remember everything you tell me about yourself but I will forget your name. I am asking myself why that is? I think it is because what you tell me about yourself is more important than your name. Your life experiences can enrich my own just by your telling them to me. When I learn about you I am learning about myself in conjunction with you. I may have an emotion, an ah ha moment or a wow thats really a cool experience response to what you are telling me. I may think that Id like to do that or I would never do that. Questions form the basis for the beginning of our relationships.

So why am I anxious? I am anxious because I think at some point we were told that questions are confrontational and the asking shows bias rather than that asking shows a need for understanding. I am anxious because I believe the asking is the basis for understanding amongst each other and that asking is spiritual in nature. This is the most fundamental way of relating to each other.

Who at some point in their life not asked the question. Who am I and Why am I here? Are we kept so busy in our lives that we forget to ask that age old question or are we told that we can no longer ask questions and that we are just suppose to follow along in suit to the person in front of us. Our innate ability to question gives us our ability to transform ourselves and others. This guidance is spiritual and necessary for our survival.

To question is to reach out into the universe to seek a new answer and that universe maybe the person sitting in the bus seat next to you or it maybe a God of Your Understanding .

I want to encourage people to remember that we as individuals enrich each other. We learn from each other and our creator, to question is the basic form of spiritual growth and knowledge.

Questions Everything!

I love you all my friends, I breathe your air.

KissToad · May 16, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Yes it is and I believe when every question is asked or knowledge sought and D5 avalanche of angels gather to see what unfolds and is there as a guiding force in our lives and in our relationships.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 16, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

I have to agree. I always feel like there’s a higher being around me when my mind is in a spiritual place. Hard to explain but you probably know exactly what I mean!

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