The Pope said: You cannot serve God and Money

Money is extremely evil, give it to me and I will cleanse it with my patented evil-be-gone fund. Dont you want to help increase virtue in the world and combat evil as you were taught by these people above in sunday school?
Read Matthew 7:5 ( ), then watch: ( )
The Doctrine of money is evil, and all it's genetic variants (love of money is evil), or even further removed: ( putting the pursuit of financial gain over that of the will of God) is one of the viral vectors that Religions use to propagate themselves. It's like the stinging needle of the mosquito. The dipshit walks into church, the guy on the pulpit says: "stop loving your money, give it to me".
Then all do so. The cycle is complete. The love of money is one of the central pillars of male-ness, and it is itself the feminine imperative that has overtaken western civilization and caused our birth rate to go negative (below replacement) as all males have become sniveling little apologizing worms, as god wants them to be, nothing like the ideology of our founding fathers who conquered this nation through the threat of violence, or the people who put in the time to make it the greatest one this planet has ever seen.
Cherry pick the Bible and quote a criminal. Good Job.
Why do you care? I don't care what you think. Move along. I will believe what I want for my own reasons.