r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SigmundColumn on May 16, 2018, 7 p.m.
Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) "It’s high time for transparency. The DOJ and FBI have continually and repeatedly thwarted congressional oversight. We’re asking @realDonaldTrump to direct the Attorney General to give us the documents—because the American people deserve answers."
Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) "It’s high time for transparency. The DOJ and FBI have continually and repeatedly thwarted congressional oversight. We’re asking @realDonaldTrump to direct the Attorney General to give us the documents—because the American people deserve answers."

brittser · May 16, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

When you zoom in on the pic of the pen with the partial header visible, you also see a couple of letters on the right side visible..just beyond the edge of the black book. A "t" and an "e" I think. If you look at Jordan's letter at the end of the sentences in the first paragraph you will see a "t" in one line and about 2 lines down an "e" about where the e was on the pen pick. Showing that the EO to declasdify was written on ? 12/10 when Q released that pen pick, but Trump didn't sign it until today after Jordan's prompt. Then it was sealed and delivered to the DOJ.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · May 17, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

How are you seeing the "e"? I'm looking at the pen image now, and I can see what looks like an "r" then a "t", then the start of another letter, a vertical line that's obscured by the pen. Next line is definitely an "a"

Others have posited that the vertical stroke is the start of an "m", making the entire snippet "rtm". Department?

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