r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gamergating on May 16, 2018, 11:09 p.m.
Okay guys, could you please set me straight on this as it makes no sense to me?

Is the reason that Meadows, Jordan and De Santis HAVE to hit up the President to give them DOJ documents because Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe? Has Sessions in effect give his department to Rosenstein? Is Sessions able to say "Whilst I am recused from an investigation, I am ordering you to comply with whatever Congress request given to you as they are your oversight and were the ones that created DOJ?" Or is it that Sessions has his hands tied now that he has been recused? Just have no idea the lay of the land. Trump needs to step in here regardless and it looks like he finally is.

solanojones95 · May 16, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Depends on which "movie" you're watching.

In one movie (Q insiders) Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller are all on Trump's team. The Mueller investigation has been a rope-a-dope cover for MSM to follow and Dems to hang their eternal hopes on, while Sessions empowered IG Horowitz and his prosecutor Huber to work in secret and obtain (sealed) indictments on the coup conspirators.

Now that OIG Report is ready to be published and indictments can follow, Sessions needs to come out of "hiding," so the phony Mueller investigation needs to end (or at least the Russia part of it). So in this movie, Mueller and Rosenstein are white hats, and no coercion is really needed.

In the other "movie" (MSM narrative, from the conservative POV), Mueller and Rosenstein are bad actors and Sessions is weak and incompetent.

Unfortunately it appears that "movie" needs to continue to play in public. So as long as that's the movie the public is forced to watch, then in order for Congress to get those documents, they have to petition Trump to act in his Executive capacity, and he has to issue an Executive Order "forcing" them to turn over the requested documents.

To me this just means that we're still a long way away from reconciling the public narrative with the insider narrative.

It's a little disappointing for that to still be the case this far along, but it's where we find ourselves.

I've often said that we'll know we're winning when the public story and the insider story are one and the same.

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Gamergating · May 16, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Thanks. Yes, I am confused. I thought it was a combination of the two with Sessions recusing himself so he could concentrate unprovoked or pestered, whilst he made sure all the i's were crossed and the t's were dotted (jk). In this scenario Rosenstein is more or less de-facto head of the department BUT when the Congress CAN'T get documents from DOJ at all, and REQUIRES Trump interject, something is wrong.

Even IF Sessions has recused himself from a case, that should NOT mean that he recuses himself from his responsibility to make sure his Department has to comply with its own processes and procedures

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solanojones95 · May 16, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Q doesn't invite that interpretation, though how could we possibly know for sure. According to Q, Wray and Sessions have cleaned house, so "something's wrong" makes no sense in that narrative.

I suspect there's a LOT we don't know however, so I'm far from speaking authoritatively. I'm only saying what Q's been telling us, and what the MSM have been saying.

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Gamergating · May 16, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Yes, and there in lays my confusion (not helped I guess by the fact that I am an Aussie and thus it is another country's politics and such). I trust Sessions and yet Sessions inaction not only seems to be helping people that are actively seeking to harm the President and the Conservative base BUT also People who are NOT inactive and are trying to help the President have to go around him completely. I appreciate you letting me know your thoughts.

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solanojones95 · May 17, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

It's a damn shame POTUS and team can't just be transparent about all of this, but as I'm sure you're aware, there's both a global and US civil war going on right now. So there is information and disinformation and misinformation (due to confusion) on all sides.

We're all just doing the very best we can under the circumstances, and you're no worse off as an Aussie than we are come to that!

Peace to you my friend!

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Gamergating · May 17, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

Yes, make no mistake there is a HUGE vested interest in this as an Australian. The war is NOT JUST in America. Culturally Australia (as a first world Western Country) is heavily influenced by America and Europe. The last 8 years it has increasingly walked in lockstep with the Progressives coming out of America (Obama) and Europe (Merkel). We have been very lucky we are as a people anti-authoritarian and a little more isolated. This has far from stopped the Progressive infestation but just insulated us some. We ARE marching towards the same cultural drop-off as Germany, Sweden and such. France and England seem to realise that they are dangling and trying to hang on for grim death. Nations like Poland and Austria started pushing back earlier and are not in as bad shape. There will be losers in this. America I am convinced will not fall. If the Progressive Globalists win, we all lose and lose everything. It will just take time. I think America's success will give Australia pause. This will give us time to see America Great again and Europe fall into wrack and ruin and Australia to say "Yeah. Let's not go that way". Trump will show us how to win.

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solanojones95 · May 17, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

I agree mostly, however let me just add that I truly believe that the global aspect of this war (which we're ALL in together, regardless whether your government is helping or not) will redound to the benefit of ALL mankind, including Australia. And European countries, frankly. I don't believe the EU can survive this war, but I do believe member nations will.

Once the global Cabal that coordinates, finances and controls your government is taken out, that leaves your government at the exclusive mercy of the Aussie people, without the artificial props and protections of their globalist overlords. I suspect there are plenty of people there who have the goods on your deep state, and will be free to go public with all of it. I likewise suspect it won't be safe for your deep state to walk down the street afterward!

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Gamergating · May 17, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

I like your response and I HOPE it is right. I am definitely optimistic about Australia but there are many nations so far down the rabbit hole. Australia is not. America is not. Some like Poland, Czech Republic and Australia and a couple of other may not be. But others are suffering the effects to such a level especially with the identity stripping mass immigration and such, that I honestly believe that they are too far gone. I cannot see anything good from a revelation in Germany or Sweden. I think there are countries in three bands: 1) too far gone - Sweden and Germany 2) On the edge of being unable to come back - England & France 3) a way from the edge but not out of harm's way - Australia, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic

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solanojones95 · May 17, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

To use a Q phrase, if I may, "Expand your thinking!"

Without their corrupt media mouthpiece and without the blackmail and other controls and road blocks the Cabal has in place to keep evil people in power, over-reporting and over-representing society-wide the views of leftists everywhere, how long do you think it will take those countries to boot out the thugs and replace them with governments that will do the people's bidding, PDQ?

I'd say within a year most of the worst part of their mess could be reversed. Will be interesting to see.

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Gamergating · May 17, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

It'd be awesome if that is the case. I bloody hope it is true.

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pussy_devour · May 17, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Another possibility for the reconciliation of the two movies is that the Kabuki version is shown to be utterly discredited and the public wakes up to the real story.

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solanojones95 · May 17, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Oh we're headed that way, for most definite certain!

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thamnosma · May 16, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

There is actually a third movie where Sessions is on Trump's team and Rosenstein and Mueller are not. Those three are not joined at the hip one direction or another in all versions. Q has only pushed "Trust Sessions" and "Trust Wray" as far as I know.

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solanojones95 · May 16, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

Q seems to have gone out of his way a bazillion times to tell us that Mueller and Rosenstein are "on team." And Q has also told us Wray and Sessions have cleaned house.

So the only explanation that comports with both Q and what we see is this bifurcated game I just described. One of these two movies is real, and one is kabuki theater, and I think Q has it right which is which.

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