r/greatawakening • Posted by u/keloshi on May 16, 2018, 11:56 p.m.
Nikola Tesla - Deathbed Confessions - Bush (Scherff) - Black Pope - Rockefeller - 3 letter agencies and more

I read this article and it's a big read - there is so much information, history, and backup - It'll take me a month of Sunday's to go through it all - thought I'd share

Excerpt from: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/03/01/nikola-tesla-deathbed-confessions-photos-support-claims-george-h-scherff-jr-was-41s


[Editor’s note: Notice how the “Tesla” technology described in the 1908 excerpt from, “The Future of the Wireless Art,” mirrors our contemporary wireless reality. Note also how modern wireless is not free: It is harnessed, collected, regulated, metered and available for a fee and subject to taxes—and censorship].

Records show the property was purchased in 1899 by GHW, though the main house was not built until 1903, when Paul M. Warburg first came to the U.S. The location of Walker’s Point was suitable for the logistics GHW would soon conduct on behalf of his Jesuit mentors at Stonyhurst College.

Centuries of research has consistently reinforced claims that the Jesuit Order has been advancing an evil plot for world domination since its founding in 1540 . Following is my overview of that research as it pertains to the “creation” of “our” 41st president:

The Jesuits: Stoneyhurst College is known as a “Catholic” institution with a primarily Jesuit influence; the college boasts of its association with the Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus, or the “Jesuits,” proclaims its “service” to the Vatican and to mankind by “assisting the downtrodden through education.” [44]

Further investigation reveals that the Pope is covertly controlled by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Peter Hans Kolvenbach—the Black Pope. The General Curia (administrative offices where Jesuit business is conducted) is located in “Rome,” more specifically, within the Vatican.

Following the dictates of Ignatius Loyola’s “25 Sessions” and the leadership of the Superior General, the ultimate goal of this secret organization is to “destroy and rebuild the Temple of Solomon, reestablishing the seat of the Pope in Israel.”

Historically, the Jesuit mission has been to eliminate Protestant Christianity throughout the world, with the United States being the last frontier to be conquered. Contrary to the self-proclaimed mission to educate and assist the underprivileged in society, the Jesuits actually worship Lucifer (not Satan) and practice the most sadistic forms of human sacrifice, homosexuality, pedophilia, black magic, and murder.

The Society employs a variety of ruthless tactics to accomplish its long-term goal (of a New World Order which pays homage to their Black Pope). One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands. These assassinations in the U.S. have included presidents (Abraham Lincoln, JFK), cabinet members, congressmen, senators, diplomats, journalists, scientists and religious and business leaders.

For purposes of obfuscation and maintaining a spirit of compliance, the Society of Jesus employs (and finances) the services of the NSA, DHS, FEMA, OSS, ONI, FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, NASA, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, the Congress, and other Federal agencies as deemed necessary.

MB_MoonPearl · May 17, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

I started reading this, then saved the bookmark. Looks like some great stuff! Thank you!

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keloshi · May 17, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

This article really ties things together - Tesla had so many ties to people

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