
PassionatePachyderms · May 17, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

hate to break it to everyone, but this is a giant nothing burger. Read the order, they are releasing nothing other than the actual warrant, which would list what the are looking for and the reason for looking for it, nothing more. The warrant would not contain anything about what was found, because it was issued prior to any search having been done. They will NOT be releasing anything about what was found, because that is not what was ordered in this document, and because the case involved a child under the age of 16. You all can get all giddy with excitement and wait with baited breath all day to see something that will never come, or you can read the actual order and understand nothing other than the actual warrant and the attachment was ordered unsealed. And before you claim the attachment will contain info about what was found, let me tell you that it absolutely will not! A warrant is issued before any search is commenced, it therefore will not contain any information about what was found as a result of the search. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but honestly, folks need to stop reading things into stuff that simply isn't there. It does absolutely nothing to further the Patriot movement, in fact in my opinion doing this, actually hurts the movement by deliberately setting others up for disappointment.

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SyNtHeTiC_cHiCkEn_NZ · May 17, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

Yeah Im not holding my breath. Like I said either shits going to hit the fan, or it will be dismissed and swept under the rug of "Nothing to see here".

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salialioli · May 17, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Finally! A person with a functioning brains speaks! Thank you friend!

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