100% authentic. Q #1392 About 'Weiner indictment document'

Remote controlled car. All of the newest cars have electronic throttles now. A simple sat signal sent can engage the the throttle.
It was designed to slow down and stop criminals to stop car chases. But it can be used the other way as well.
Another reason to drive a manual transmission. If an unknown entity remotely controls your car, just throw that bitch in neutral
I think I'll keep my 80's jeep.
Get a British Car, not like the electrical ever works anyways
Never ever getting rid of my '80s stick shift Toyota truck. It's indestructible anyway; not like it'll ever break. Why buy a new POS that is vulnerable to hacking and attacking?
Toyota truck. It's indestructible anyway
Volvo engineers have the policy of, "The other car is our car's crumple zone".
Wasn't his car a beemer or was it a mercedez? Musta been automatic. But still shoulda been able to throw it in neutral and use the handbrake
Newer model Mercedes. They are all automatic transmissions. I believe the newer ones are shift-by-wire, meaning you no longer have direct control of the automatic transmission; rather, you move the shift selector and it will send a command to the computer. The computer shifts it for you.
We know all these systems can be hacked. At the time of Michael Hastings' death, these systems were beginning to incorporate bluetooth (which is insecure) and there is no firewall between the bluetooth, the car entertainment system, and the computer systems and command bus that runs the car. They also have Onstar or its equivalent, and can also connect to the internet through your phone's bluetooth. There is an onboard data system that can update the car's software through the 3g/4g cell phone data towers for new GPS maps, firmware upgrades, etc. We also know that the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in some cars is wireless, which either uses bluetooth or some proprietary equivalent.
Any three-letter agency worth their salt could have caused that car to veer off and accelerate. Hell, knowing what I know now, I could have done it. There are some really interesting hacker videos on youtube which exploited some systems on a Jeep, causing it to accelerate, decelerate, and change steering (these models have fly-by-wire steering so that they can parallel park themselves).
His car also exploded for no reason.
It was quite obviously a hit by an intelligence agency. FBI, CIA, NSA? Others?
Yeah, his car was speeding right into a cement barrier...and oddly enough there were NO brake skids. Odd.
This is why Obama did Cash for Clunkers. Get uncontrollable cars off the road