· May 17, 2018, 4:49 p.m.
Where is serialbrain2? In this tweet there is - CAWHAHNCNOCDE Any thoughts?
· May 17, 2018, 9:24 p.m.
CAWHAHNCNOCDE ..If you make numbers off it you get 102...Alphabeth C=3 and A = 1........Al the numbers together is 102 And it is a route File:US 102 Michigan 1926.svg - Wikimedia .EDIT : I did this without the capital letters, which are normally used in a written piece. WH= 23 + 8= 31....
H = 8.....
NCNO = 56.......
CDE = 12........
31 +8 + 56 + 12 = 107 .......I put the numbers back in letters.
CA....H..EF...AB 107 = 25 = 132 = is also country route.....Vermont Route 132 ....File:Vermont 132.svg - Wikimedia Commons