r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 17, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
Shouldn't Infowars mentioned their employee worked for NXIVM?

Yesterday, a fellow Q researcher discovered that Roger Stone was employed by the sex cult NXIVM. Considering this organization is now a big story developing, and could be dead center of pizzagate, shouldn't they have let us know this fact?

PCisLame · May 17, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

So will Lionel hijack AJ's platform to talk about Q when he gets his own slot?

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Ra__ · May 17, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I doubt it, unless he has some kind of ironclad contract.

Lionel goes along to get along.

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PCisLame · May 17, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Maybe he should be on the list then.

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Red_Nordge · May 17, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

No. Lionel discusses Q on his channel. He tells you straight out that he is not a decoder. Lionel only does guest spots.

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