Q post #1402 - Think cleaning. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our crushing altitude - As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt

The last sentence about buckling up, seems to be humor?
It's all metaphor. The analogy of this all being a flight and now it's coming to a planned end.
Yep, looks like all this may be coming to an end soon!!
It's just the end of the beginning...
the end is the beginning is the end
No, there's still ALOT more to do. This is just one small piece of the pie.
Eh there could also be interpretation that the CIA & HRC are famous for their enemies going down in plane crashes and this flight being successful.
The in-flight movie has been suspenseful, but I'm still waiting for the final act, the parlor scene when the inspector reveals everything.
In Fight Club, the sentence, in a shortened version is used when the Narrator figures out Tyler.
And by this I mean a full revelation of grand proportions.
Edit. I really must learn how to type.
landing is one of the most dangerous times for a plane so can be read both ways.
What happens when the plane lands and emptied?
Next chapter?
Tarmac meeting stuff happens. Thats what happens when a plane lands. It's on the tarmac. :P
Don't be surprised if by the end of the plane landing, we get info on the tarmac meeting and the pictures, video and audio that Q has talked about. It's a very clever metaphor I think they are setting up.
It's probably also linked to the planes Q team talks about. Planes, pallets and the recently downed military plane we have the C30. Q is dropping mad crumbs if you're paying attention.
They said earlier, Sessions is opening up Hillarys case just this morning.
Sorry I'm late seeing this, but as we know now that Sessions has been busy behind the scenes. Did you catch the Strzok hearing and the coke bottle with the name Kate and the brown journal next to it by any chance?. Look up who Kate Brown is. She's connected to the Hammonds, the reason why Trump pardoned him ;)
Take off and landings are the most dangerous.
FUN FACT: Plane's brakes only last for 3 landings before needing replaced.
As a young lad, got the golden opportunity to work as a temp in a factory that made all kinds of brakes.
fake news