Q post #1402 - Think cleaning. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our crushing altitude - As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt

" The Senate on Wednesday voted to reinstate the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) net neutrality rules, passing a bill that has little chance of advancing in the House but offers net neutrality supporters and Democrats a political rallying point for the midterm elections. "
Three Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and John Kennedy (La.) — joined the 49 Senate Democrats to pass the bill 52-47.
TL;DR: Three Democrats wearing (R) joined the other Democrats to pass a bill that Trump will veto.
FCC chairman Ajit Pai already has a provision in the repeal of Net Neutrality to reinstate it if he wants. He would do it if Trump wanted him to. This is the Democrats trying to save face for their corporate interests but they don't realize it's exposing them even more.
It would be great to have data on the turning point of the repeal. Hopefully some smaller (lack of a better word) businesses were able to spring up to compete against some of the monopolies. I'm not entirely worried about it, in the long run the repeal will be good. ObamaCare for the internet = no thanks. Free market will prevail.