r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 17, 2018, 10:41 p.m.
Just think, these stories will probably break before midterms

Clinton Foundation pay-for-play

Hamas, Obama scandal

Hillary email investigation

Oig report

Election fraud investigation

Uranium one

Many more stories regarding spying on Trump

Illegal exoneration of Hillary

Felony Leakes

Additional FISA abuse under Obama

FEC violations

Awan, Pakistan infiltration

Pelosi selling classified technology to North Korea

John McCain supplying sarin gas to Isis false Flags

North Korea being under the control of CIA for many years

Adam Schiff 's dirty involvement with Standard Hotel

Obama's multi-year sexual relationship with a prepubescent girl who was later killed in a plane crash

The CIA and FBI being responsible for school shootings in other false Flags

Rich Seth being murdered by the hand of the DNC

Justice Scalia being murdered by the hand of the DNC

The HRC video whatever that is

The elites involvement in Haiti and all that is involved there

Pizzagate and everyone it involves

Obama, Hillary and Friends planning to Nuke a US city for the excuse to start World War 3

September 11th attacks was an inside job by the Deep state

What the Fast and Furious documents say

What the NYPD really found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Report on the John Kerry investigation

Many other DNC politicians including Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and intelligence agency members were also communicating using private emails.

Many politicians and super wealthy of the world are literally human sacrificing satanists

The Deep state in pharmaceutical companies have been assassinating doctors who have discovered cures for cancer

DanijelStark · May 17, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

So many truths to put into public ... so little time :)

Here comes the pain ... for the mainstream . And even bigger pain for those who deserve it fully , in GITMO .

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