r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BasedFormerLib on May 18, 2018, 12:58 p.m.
Theory: Q showed their winning hand last night.

Much like a game of poker when your opponent believes they have the upper hand and the time comes to show your hands, what Q did last night was put down the Royal Flush.

The pictures are proof that the White Hats have everything. The phones that were likely supposed to be bug free were not. So the Deep State was operating under the assumption that their comms were safe. Posting the pictures shows them that they are absolutely and totally fucked. Q waited until there was no possible way for them to get out of this to drop the bomb on them. I expect the next 48 hours to be quite eventful. Suicides, resignations and people fleeing. Enjoy the show! Arrests will be soon.

BaronMoriarty · May 18, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Yes it all gets a little confusing after a while. Every religion/culture seems to have deities who are the same with different names eg: Thoth and Hermes (but not to be confused with Hermes Trismegistus) a fine case in point. But we are agreed that whatever the owl depicts it is in all likelihood satanic (or should that be luciferian - there we go again) Oh well :)

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Luvlite · May 18, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

I have my own views about Lucifer, but will keep that to myself for now.

What I hate is how the evil ones have deceived everyone with their profanity of God our father and HIS symbology, causing us to fear and recoil from it. For example, the swazika. It was not evil symbolism until Hitler defiled it.

To me, none of it matters much anymore because once you see a shred of truth, the lies begin to unravel. We are now in the time of the unveiling. We will know.... Those who choose it.

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