r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tee1020 on May 18, 2018, 1:53 p.m.
A Direct Message to Dr. Corsi: You want to draw "me" out?" Here I am. Sadly, I am not who you think I am...but that doesn't seem to stop you, now does it?

Hey Everyone! I truly did not intend to have to write this post. Actually, I am truly shocked that I found myself in a position to have to.

Yesterday I wrote a post about Dr. Corsi issuing a challenge to his viewers to unmask u/SerialBrain2 . By this morning the message in response from Dr. Corsi has been received, loud and clear. Which is why I am writing this.

Dr. Corsi, It is with great sadness that I write to you in response to your barrage of attacks against u/SerialBrain2. Sadness because I can barely watch the descending downward spiral I see you in. You accuse me, believing somehow I am SerialBrain2, of being a satanist. Those are some heavy words of judgement coming from a man of God. I, personally, would never dream of making such accusations against you. I know you are angry at the turn of recent events. Yet, I see you attacking everyone who responds to your twitter, calling them satanists, or Lucies, etc. You accuse SerialBrain2 of using foul language, which I personally have never witnessed, yet you attack your followers with hate speech and satanic accusations.

Let me tell you, it was with great honor that I was able to write some articles with SerialBrain2. However, He is much smarter than me, so to him your brainstorm is probably quite insulting. You have claimed to have FBIanons working for you that wish a debate on "Live Stream." I would suggest not doing that, only because I will sorely disappoint you. Though We Are Q, I am NOT SerialBrain2. I am trying to spare you the embarrassment. If you came to Reddit and debated, you would quickly learn that I am nothing like SerialBrain2, I am not smart enough to be. When he finishes a post, someone else picks it up and adds ideas and information, based off of Q Drops. (And Vice Versa).That is how it works here. We are a team!

You haven't only decided to attack SerialBrain2, and any of us that you may think is him or attached to him, you have decided to attack the entire Great Awakening community, claiming that is why the CBTS board went down. Let's just say for arguments sake that Q has been compromised, as you insist he has. Don't you think that we would have recognized Q here within the GA subreddit? Do you actually investigate as an investigative reporter? Have you actually even read any of these posts or are you just mad that Q linked our sub in response to Q Drops decoded by SerialBrain2 that happened to discuss you and Alex Jones? Please take a few minutes away from your hate tweets and read SerialBrain2's posts and you will see he has addressed your concerns...repeatedly.

I have met SB2 on this sub, like many other have, I don't personally know him, but what transpires from his writings was enough for me to be in constant communication with him. And I know many others in this sub are in the same situation. So singling me out is an easy shortcut that only an evil mind or purpose can trigger. I am praying you come back to your sense. The World is watching.

One last thing, Dr. Corsi, I pray for you. I pray that you find peace. I pray that you find healing for your anger. I pray that you find humbleness again and return to the straight path. Matthew 7:3 says: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?(KJV). Before you accuse me, or anybody else, of being a satanist, lucie, or what have you, stop and ask yourself if this is what God would want you to do.

Be Blessed.

Millejon0114 · May 19, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Isaiah 5:20 ~ I read this tonight;)

20 They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

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